Sunday, October 21, 2012

the high cost pain mangement

My husband has been off wrk for seven months following compliactions after surgery.  He fought doctors for nearly two years before finding one who knew the obvious.

By God's grace we have barely survived and while my bank has stolen thousands because of overdraft, I now chose between medications, paying ins premiums and food.  I've tried to hold things together, but am watching it crumble quickly.  Rt now is really not the time for financial woes either.  With each wave of withdraels I suffer until xanax kicks in and Bill can peel me off the ceiling.

Something is going on that scares me more than doctors.  In a few mile radius, I know five people struck down by auto immunity.  Educate yourself and don't put up with the "gods" that control the quality of life.  I have one to live and once it's gone, it's gone.  Be smart, learn from people like myself and I know there has to be many! I hope and pray someone hears what im saying!

I loved being a nurse.  I loved feeling like maybe I did help a few who were suffering, but hospitals are more concerned with what is on paper, computer, than actual care.  Never leave a helpless loved one to fight for themselves when all fight has lft.  Support them and if you have to show your less tha good side to ensure they are kept comfortable, do so.  I hate what Obamacare is doing and I abhor Hospital and medical establishments more concerned with the bottom line than those needed help.  What once made me proud to be a part of now, makes me ashamed.

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