Sunday, December 18, 2011

Infant deaths up 48% in America from fukashima radiation. ((Tags: japan, fukashima, japsn earthquake, radiation poisoning, EPA, FDA, CDC, U.S.N.C, DOE, nuclear power, nuclear fallout, radiation sickness, radioactive contamination, infant death rates,

Fracking wells causing more earthquakes.

If you haven't believed in the FEMA camp conspiracies maybe this will change your mind. ((Tags: FEMA, DOD, DHS, FBI, SS, MP, CIA, INS, NSA, UN, NATO,NDAA, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT, patriot act, police state, tyrany, indefinate incarceration

Android systems can collect any and all cell phone activities: ps words, texts, emails, searches, location aand even user. ((Tags: android, cell spies, bugged phones, phone taps, unauthorized collection of cell phone records and info, IQ, ICQ,DOD, DH

House votes and passes bill allowing for undefinate incarceration of American citizens: perhaps it's time to remeber no taxation without representation and our many other rights as humans. We must join together against this tyrany, the police state a