Friday, October 14, 2011

UFO witnessed in Russia

UFO lands in USSR iN 1989 giants exit craft and seen by many.

Creepy! To say the least..what do you think.

Zionist agenda, America, Israel, the state of Palelistine and world domination. ((Tags: zion, zionist, sion, nazi party, Rothchold, globelist agend, NWO, U.S., EU, GER, GBR, CAN,, The British Monarchy, the state of Israel, Jews, Jewish religion, Chri

Child prodigy: a van gogh at 12 an astounding artist. ((Tags: art, child prodigy, artist, Van Gogh, heaven, artistic genius, gifted artist, art work, oil painting, heavenly scenes, religious art, religious theme,

The real leaders of DHS.

The truth about Zionism. ((Tags: secret societies, the Rothchilds, zionists, Jews, Israel, illuminati, the British crown, the British Monarchy, IMF, NWO, WTO, U.N. E.U, the anti christ, WWII, WWIII, GBR, U.S.A., FR, GER, concentration camps, anti chr

Pope Benedict and catholic church states Jesus not the Messiah ((tags: pope benedict, catholism, catholic church, Jesus Christ, Messiah, anti christ, apostacy, apostate church, falling away, faith, Jewish faith, old testament, jewish law, jewish reli

Pope Benedict and catholic church states Jesus not the Messiah ((tags: pope benedict, catholism, catholic church, Jesus Christ, Messiah, anti christ, apostacy, apostate church, falling away, faith, Jewish faith, old testament, jewish law, jewish reli

WTO: Nutrients are "toxins". ((Tags: WTO, WHO.FDA, U.N., World bank, food suply nutrients, vitamins, mal nutrition, toxicology, starvation, crimes against humanity, poverty, food supply, big pharm, big ag, big banks, growth hormones, antibiotic, prev

He who controls the food controls the world: globelist plan to poison the world's weak. ((TAGS: food supply, nutrition, processed food, starvation, population control, monsanto, bovine hormone, sub disease anti biotic treatment, growth hormones, anti

He who controls the food controls the world: globelist plan to poison the world's weak. ((TAGS: food supply, nutrition, processed food, starvation, population control, monsanto, bovine hormone, sub disease anti biotic treatment, growth hormones, anti

If only to have the problems on wall street! It's not just the drinking of champange which shows their immense lack of concern and respect for the average American...if stealing our tac dollars wasn't insulting enough, this is! ((Tags: wall street, a

If only to have the problems on wall street! It's not just the drinking of champange which shows their immense lack of concern and respect for the average American...if stealing our tac dollars wasn't insulting enough, this is! ((Tags: wall street, a

Is the U.S.assisting in the persecution and mass exodus of Christian communities within Africa and Middle Eastern countries? ((Tags: christian persecution, Africa, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Sudan, religious division, jewish state, United Nations, United St

Is the U.S.assisting in the persecution and mass exodus of Christian communities within Africa and Middle Eastern countries? ((Tags: christian persecution, Africa, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Sudan, religious division, jewish state, United Nations, United St

Tuesday, October 11, 2011