Friday, January 6, 2012

Thoughts to Ponder: Janet you've outdone yourself again! Here's $50 tr...

Thoughts to Ponder: Janet you've outdone yourself again! Here's $50 tr...

Thoughts to Ponder: Know your rights at checkpoints...don't let them w...

Thoughts to Ponder: Know your rights at checkpoints...don't let them w...

Thoughts to Ponder: This guy has the rt idea. Anyone who frequents pub...

Thoughts to Ponder: This guy has the rt idea. Anyone who frequents pub...


Thoughts to Ponder: TSA AND DHS LIE ABOUT HAZZARDS OF BADY SCANS: WORK...: I won't sit here and rant, but just want to inform. The department of heath, DHS, AND TSA has been given conclusive data from top scientist...

Thoughts to Ponder: This is how you work an ilegal checkpoint stop! Ho...

Thoughts to Ponder: This is how you work an ilegal checkpoint stop! Ho...

Thoughts to Ponder: LRAD coming to a community near you.

Thoughts to Ponder: LRAD coming to a community near you.

Thoughts to Ponder: Know your executive orders...before time runs out!...

Thoughts to Ponder: Know your executive orders...before time runs out!...:

Thoughts to Ponder: The hand is quicker than the eye. Dc can make time...

Thoughts to Ponder: The hand is quicker than the eye. Dc can make time...:

Thoughts to Ponder: America losing grip on liberty. ((Tags: losing lib...

Thoughts to Ponder: America losing grip on liberty. ((Tags: losing lib...

Thoughts to Ponder: First "known" arrest under NDAA. ((Tags: destructi...

Thoughts to Ponder: First "known" arrest under NDAA. ((Tags: destructi...: How many? How long? Could you be next? I fall under every category set out by our "Lady" of torture, janet napoliono. So, in a nutshell ...

First "known" arrest under NDAA. ((Tags: destruction of america, loss of rights, death of pur copnstitution, NDAA, DOD, DHS, FBI, FPS, VIPRE,INS, NSA,TSA, CIA, FEMA, KNR, NWO, Ows, illuminati, civil right violations, free speech, freedom ro peacefull

How many?  How long?  Could you be next?  I fall under every category set out by our "Lady" of torture, janet napoliono.  So, in a nutshell I'm #@%*! Screwed.

Last I recall this was our country not a select fews, who just happen to have over half the world's wealth betwen them.  It's obvious they have set up their world and are preparing to put all plans into action, but just because they "own" our politicians. (Who should all be fired for treason if they voted for any of the tyranical acts passed most esp, NDAA), our police forces, our joint chiefs of staff, doesn't mean the ones who took an oath to protect America and her people need to follow them.  Why did you join, to serve, protect, maintain freedom!

Why should our military, our policemen, our national guardsmen run over, torture, lockup, kill, destroy for these group of low lifes?  They have the right to refuse unlawful unconstitutional orders.  You, yes you who have joined to serve the people need to be reminded as well as the common populus that we are not the enemy.  You are not the enemy!  We muist band together, refuse to unjustly arrest someone, unjustly search homes and cars.  Taking a stand is hard!  It could mean loss of job..., but look at your husband, wife, children, siblings, mother, father, who and what is more important?  Being re-educated to "follow their rules, work where they say, live where they say, drive what they say, make much lower wages, live in a socialist society"?  That is exactly where we are headed if we continue to bury our heads and not remove the rose colored glasses DHS has handed out under the guise of "terror" vs "security".  Have we become so afraid, so infantile that we no longer will or can take care of our lives?  We rarely had "terror" attacks prior to 911 and really, how many have our agencies really prevented?



It takes everyone of us to maintain a society. In a nation which has been so blessed there is no excuse for unemployment, homelessness, hunger, thirst, fear, sickness without care. 

I'm a nurse by trade.  Worked over 19 years caring for the sick.  Loved what I did, was well respected, and I will say I was good at it, but I fell ill.  Still had two teens living at home, both coming of age for cars and all the expences which accompany one in this age group.  I'm not telling you this for sympathy! Despite, monthly allowences given me from my parents to help through this wonderous time, Bill, my husband working 5 12 hr shifts a wk at the hospital (he's a nurse too), we were about $1000 a month behind. Dr bills and rx costs alone about destroyed us. My insurance company refused to pay for a drug which at the time was new and my dosage was "too high", which set me back a good $800 by itself.  Glad I had insurance! €;•{ !

I really can't say how we made it through, intact, and a roof over our heads, except I know it was nothing short of the grace of God!  HOPE JANET DIDN'T CATCH THAT!

Overdraft was the enemy that stole thousands of $s in fees, but I was left with no choice. but become partners with it for over 3 yrs.  I went back to work in 07 & 08, pushing myself for approx a yr before finally admitting I could not continue.

My body just could no longer stand up to the strenuous work nursing demands.  Luckily, I say that merely for "financial reasons", I was finally deemed worthy of disability benefits.  That was tough!  My position at work in 05, when I first became acutely ill, was terminated without my knowledge before I had been gone for 6 wks, half of the alloted time in the family leave act, which disqualified me from using my long term disability coverage I'd been paying premiums on for nearly six yrs and holding out the six months necessary to use benefits.  I was told "the doctor said it would be awhile before you could work again and you would be seeking disability."  No. This company was notorious for doing this very thing to others soley to prevent having to pay out.  But. That's another blog.   Needless to say I was a bit upset, but felt so lousy I didn't have the strength to add another fight.  The doctors and insurance companoes were about all I could handle.  

I won't bore you with any further details, but since October '05 my family has fought through what seems like thousands of ridiculous fights just trying to hold it together.  They made sacrifices galore and I failed miserably, but I tried to maintain as much normalcy and hide as much of my ilness and how bad I truly felt.

Our church abandoned us.  My family never offered help, short of money of which I'm very greatful.  Friends quickly quit coming or sending "get well cards".  Needless to say we were alone.  I felt very alone, hardly saw my husband and when I did he was exhausted.  Although, he never once complained.  The days he sacrificed work to stay with me were precious.  Days I cherish deeply.

Nothing fractures a family faster than losing support.  If family, friends, co workers, church groups leave, the loneliness and fear and anger it creates can only be understood thru surviving such an ordeal.  It can't be described properly thru words. 

I say this because, if the military begins doing raids, taking loved ones, neighbors report neighbors "for acting different", friends walk away, turn their backs, the government takes all your property, money...the police assist, the clergy "assist" by instructing the fold to stay peaceful.  "God placed the men into government and leadership"....people like ourselves will be very alone.  For He also states"there is a season for everything, a time to reap, a time to sow, a time for peace, and a time to fight."  Also, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword".

The time to come together and commit to standing beside one another regardless of profession, is now.  Now is the time to decide, will you help those who are already alone, homeless, frustrated, and hungry and continue when it all falls or go "with the ones " who control your life more and more by the day because they are "safe"?

I have no crystal ball; therefore, I have no way to predict tomorrow, but evil is massing together, preparing, and moving strategically upon the chess board. Can't you feel it?  The calm before the storm? They are ready. Are you?  This cannot be stopped unless we bind together, refuse their model and build our own.  They work for us!  We do not work for them. 

They only represent themselves and special interests, showing time and time again they have no desire to vote as their constiuants ask.  If I'm correct and if the constitution still carries any wt it states " no taxation without representation".  "We maintain the right to bear arms."  "We have the rt to assemble peacibly".  "We have the right to free speech."  "We have the right to maintain a militia to not only protect us from enemies abroad, but also those who are domestic threats."  "We have the right to be safe from unlawful searches and seizure of our home or personal properties".  "We have the right to a jury trials, lawyer, being held with just cause and to be innocent until proven giulty."

I may not survive a collapse.  I plan on fighting to protect my wonderful children, their spouses, and my beautiful grandchildren and husband to the best of my abilities.  They are all I have.  They are the treasure, the pearl of great worth in my life.  The only things which matter.

  I grew up during the 70's and 80's.  Life was good, hopes high, limits were only those I placed upon myself, possibilities were endless.  I have been fortunate to have grown up during such a time.  If I could return our lifestyle back to that era, I would.  People still had a sense of community, they stood together, worked hard, played hard, and played with their children. 

We pushed ourselves to the limit getting educated, chasing the children to sport events, 4 H and everything else inbetween while working and studying.  Hell, they even got a homecooked meal every night we were home.. the term "super moms" was vogue and ladies, most of the time we pulled it off before melting our pain ridden bodies into bed, falling fast asleep before our heads hit the pillow. Always running, prepared, busy and strong!  But, I loved every moment!

The hardest time in my life began in '05, but as I sat beside Bill one fretful night not knowing if we would walk away from our twenty year marrige, I discovered a bond had been weilded between he and I we refused to be broken.  In the fall of '09 I nearly lost the most important person in my life. As we yelled our passionate words back and forth to one another, letting the other one know what we were going through, how we lost ourselves in all the chaos. 

I realized despite the pain and difficulties we were facing I was very strong, but I wanted, needed the strength of Bill to complete me and my children and...all of which give me unlimited strength.  I fear nothing for myself.  Death is just the road to eternity.  But, my family, I fear their being locked up. My grandbabies, seperated, hurt, lost to us.  That, I cannot handle.  I will die preventing that!  I will not be put in a cage! 

But, let us not forget we are all family here.  Some were born here, some immagrated hoping for a better life, but not one lives in the United States, except perhaps the native Americans who didn't have family which immagrated here at some time.  Color, religion, ethnic belief, sexual orientation...does not seperate unless we allow it and that is exactly what the "elites" are hopimg for.  They want religious division.  They want inequality because it creates friction and riots and a reason for martial law. 

Now, I am not a violant person. I don't want conflict.  I pray all the reports are propaganda, but we cannot remain blind.  I have no answers short of preparing for the worst and praying that nothing happens.  But, I'm also not so nieve to think nothing will.  I'm searching just as you, but to all the OWS AND OFR...keep up the good work and for the rest, bloggers newsies...keep it up and everyone else, get educated and make the decision to stand!  One community stands with the neighboring community until we have this entire nation covered.  Might even start looking into removing representatives...?

Anyone got any answers or questions drop me a note.  Might be a day or two, trying to write a book, look up articles and play once and a while with the kidos, but I will get back to you.  Best way of contact is email but my phone # is on twitter and fb and my google acct so drop a text.  Anyone need help where I can possibly be of some assistance let me know.  I'm searching too.  God bless!  <3  <3 <3

America losing grip on liberty. ((Tags: losing liberty, destruction of American, raping the constitution, bill of rights omitted, civil rights, civil liberty, police state, socialism, nazis, obama, bush, cheney, tyrany, NWO. Illuminati, FEMA, DOD, DH

The hand is quicker than the eye. Dc can make time disappear.

Know your executive orders...before time runs out!

LRAD coming to a community near you.

This is how you work an ilegal checkpoint stop! Hold your ground! ((Tags. DHS, DOD, DHP, SS, INS, TSA, NSA, CIA, FBI, check points, search and seizure, illegal searchs, probable cause, fourth amendm.ent rights))

TSA AND DHS LIE ABOUT HAZZARDS OF BADY SCANS: WORKERS AND CLIENTS EXPOSED TO HIGH DOSES OF RADIATION. ((Tags: TSA, DOD, DHS, INS, NSA, ATF, CIA, FBI, KBR, terrorist, homegrown terror, body scans, civil right violations, destruction of DNA)l

I won't sit here and rant, but just want to inform.  The department of heath, DHS, AND TSA has been given conclusive data from top scientists showing the negative effects the scanners have upon the human body. 

Those particular,y at risk are the poor attendents whose job it is to run everyone through and physically pat down them when needed.  They are getting large doses of radiation exposure without being informed of such nor is the ampount of exposure of the attendent tracked over time.

Damage to what they call DSDNA:  double stranded DNA.  ONCE DAMAGED, EACH CELL IN THE BODY WILL NOW REPLICATE DAMAGE AT THE SAME SPOT OVER AND OVER AND OVER...  DEPENDING UPON WHAT AREA IS AFFECTED DISEASE MAY FOLLOW...SOME PAINFULLY SEVERE.  I have damage to my dsDNA and was diagnosed with SYSTEMIC lUPUS AND RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.  Who knows might even get lucky and develop some form of cancer one day as free radicals party with my DEFECTIVE DNA!!  Yeha! 

I'm not sure if it was caused by a reaction to a drug I took, the high voltage powerlines sitting less than 100 ft from my home, radiation levels from a nuclear armament assembly and disassmbly plant located a few miles from a previous address or if I just won the winning chromosomal defect of family heath issues.  Nontheless, it causes many diseases and can pass to children thru sperm or eggs causing an endless combination of possibilities for chromosomal maladies, cancer and a miriad of other autoimmune and connective tissue disorders.

If you work for DHS, TSA or just fly frequently be aware of what our government is doing and know what it is doing. THIS IS OUR REPUBLIC!  TAKE IT BACK!  Talk to me.  What's your thoughts?

This guy has the rt idea. Anyone who frequents public transportation or cars stoped at checkpoints consider this. We must rise up. It is our "Republuc"! ((Tags: search and seizure, unlawful car searches, refusing a search, Fourth amendment right, pro

Know your rights at checkpoints...don't let them win so easily! ((Tags: death to the constitution, military style checkpoints, search and seizure of property, filming an encounter with "police", DHS, DOD, FEMA, NATO, INS, TSA, ATF, FBI, CIA, +HECKPOI

Janet you've outdone yourself again! Here's $50 trillion in your christmas bonus! You really know how to make people feel special! ((Tags: Tyrany, tyranny has arrived, American lockdown, prison america, police state, john Kerry, John McCain, Levy, Jo

TWO NEW "POLICE FORCES" STEP UP TO BAT FOR DHS...Be watching for officers with semi-autos and dogs near you! ((Tags: DHS, DOD, INS, VIPR,FPS, CIA, FBI, FEMA, UN, NATO, SS, check points, social security office, forced search and seizure, nazi germany,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Washington pulling same ole stunt.

Thoughts to Ponder: The latest spygame.

Thoughts to Ponder: The latest spygame.

Thoughts to Ponder: It's superbug! Overuse of antibiotics coming back ...

Thoughts to Ponder: It's superbug! Overuse of antibiotics coming back ...:

Thoughts to Ponder: "We the people".

Thoughts to Ponder: "We the people".: We are supposed to be a republic, right? "We the people of the United States of America....and for the Republic for which it stands, one nat...

Thoughts to Ponder: Let's recall everyone of 'em! ((Tags: constitution...

Thoughts to Ponder: Let's recall everyone of 'em! ((Tags: constitution...:

Thoughts to Ponder: How many detention centers are close to you? Will ...

Thoughts to Ponder: How many detention centers are close to you? Will ...

How many detention centers are close to you? Will this be your future? ((Tags: internment camps, british detention centers, immagration centers, NDAA, KBR, FEMA, CIA, FBI, INS, NSA, TSA, ATF, concentration camps, deportation, prison, tyrany, due proc

Let's recall everyone of 'em! ((Tags: constitution, states rights, state rights, civil liberties, tyrany, police state, taking it back, NDAA, FEMA, DOD, DHS, FBI, CIA, KBR, senators, congressmen, corrupt politicians, internment camps, terrorists, hom

"We the people".

We are supposed to be a republic, right? "We the people of the United States of America....and for the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God (you remember, the guy we once worshiped as supreme being and our loving father), indivisible, with liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL."  America. This is where we live, we are not here to live under tyrany, live under a police state or under a tyranical dictator, but as free humans with rights and according to our constitution, we are entitled to "live" our lives as we chose without fear.  Yet, waking up to the post 911 world, well it is much  different from any era we have faced within our country.

Slowly the past 11 years, especially; although the transformation began many many years prior, we have lost our freedom.  As a matter of fact, if you examine the presidential records from the Bush and Obama administrations, you realize they stealthfully and effectivly created a dictatorship.  They federalized all law enforcement, training them to prepare and distinguish any and all public outcries for justice or any who critisize the new illegal laws they blindly enforce. I had a long life friend even state "I'd rather be on the "winning" side when it falls apart versus take a chance." "What!?" I ask.  They've built internment camps and have shredded what remained of our constitution.  Is this the common sentiment today?  Is it better to be on the winning side vs the right side?
For without a doubt I believe, Taps, is playing softly in the background, saying goodbye, farewell, to that wise, ingenius document we once built a society upon.  That living breathing proclamation which freed our ancestors has been destroyed by all the lawlessness it was created to repel.  How?  How could we sit idley by and allow this crime to occur?  How could we sit and allow a few, just because of wealth, status, and corruption to gain the power over the masses?  Who decides what is just and fair?

Am I for social upheavel? No!  But as we sit upon the eve of our future, will it be FEMA, DOD, DHS ruling, stealing, taking, killing or will "We the people" care for one another, feed the sick, poor and hungry, rule with justice not tyrany? Will we allow the homeles to continue to be outlaws for being homeless?  Will we continue to allow banks to throw families from their homes when no jobs are available for them to earn a living? Will we continue to believe the lies?  "The economy is strong.  The Dow is gaining?  We will create jobs?"

When did the Americans become so dependent?  Why don't we grown our own food in pots on the balcony, if that's all we have?  Why don't we demand the right to eat raw milk and other products produced by people who don't fill their animals full of steroids and antibiotics!  Why don't we demand fresh fruits and vegetable to free from toxic chemicals created to kill?  Have you looked beyond the mirror?  Do you see your children?  Your grandchildren?  How are/will their lives be?  

What is the answer?  What is our next move?  Will you run to them in fear, be incarcerated and enslaved or will we stand, face our fears and work for what is right?  Only you can make that call.  Only U!  So, what is the answer?  Only U know.

Even our so called "friends" in Washington, speaking out for us, cannot be trusted fully.  Can they?  Now, we are facing indefinate incarceration, military breaking into our homes as the "police" our neighborhoods making them safe from the latest "homegrown terrorist", death with the drop of an order without trial, without being proven to be "evil", and now we await the next group of lies fed to us thru CNN or Fox attempting to keep us all going to work and going through the motion according to the current "standards" deemed appropriate for this day and age without thinking or developing our own opinions related to current events affecting our world.

Sadly, most fit into the governmental mold expected just fine.  No questions asked.  No resistance given.  Most think all is well because the stock market is making money, yet over 20% of our population is out of work, millions are dying from our wars (civillians,  men, women, and children who are innocent, trying to just live), families are being thrown out of homes, famalies starving here as well as abroad and in the meantime the few ellitest aref'ing with the world.  They create death and depravity to push their agenda forward.  Population control, control of the money, wealth, debt, oil, gold....controlling everything, why?  Why, I ask?  A select few scaring and torturing  

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's superbug! Overuse of antibiotics coming back for revenge.((Tags: antibiotics, cold, bacteria, infection, superbug, MRSA, VRE,antibiotic resistant bacteria, bacterial infection, nosicomial infection,sepsis, death, AMA, CDC, DOH, department of

The latest spygame.

Are you At war with US?

Chentrails and law alowing bio/chemical experimentation on Populus. ((Tags: chemtrails, chemical testing, biological testing, guinie pigs, biological warfare, chemical warefare, DOD, DHS, UN, EPA, FAA, CDC, poison, heavy metals, u.s. government, expe

Don't forget discrimination hurts us all..WTH are they thinking.

Cia holds prisons across the world.

Fed reserve is watching...keep the critism to a hush hush! ((Tags: federal reserve, protesters, spyware, social media, DOD, DHS, FEMA, NSA, TSA, INS, big banks, big business, critism, u.s. government, FDIC, tyrany, police state, freedom of speech, in

Violence escalates after U.S and British police chiefs arrive. ((Syria, U.S., britian, WWIII, DHS, DOD, national security, human right violation, right repression))

U.S, NATO, Isreali forces prepare for war with Iran...justified or not , what is your opinion?