Saturday, March 31, 2012


OBAMA TO GET PERMISSION FROM U.N AND LEAVE CONGRESS OUT IN THE COLD. ((Tags: NWO, DOD, DHS, WFP, NATO, UN, INTERPOL, WBO, WTO, NWO, WWIII, globel community, globelisation, globelist, elite agenda, death of america, congress, population control, illum

DEPLETED URANIUM THE LAST NAIL IN THE COFFIN OF EVERY LIVING SPECIES: PLEAS PASS THIS ON! Especially if you have a loved on living in the main "kill" zone, millitary and civillian alike.

Sadly, this atrocity began in 1990 with Gulf War I.  Wonder why so many came home sick?  Well, here you have it.  I have friends and family who served and so far they have all came home well, at least to the best of my knowledge, for now.  But, thousands were not so lucky and now thousands of GI's are coming home, getting sick and believe it or not uranium is passed on through bodily fliuds; so wives are getting sick.  It leaves many unable to conceive or their children are being born with medical problems mostly chromosonal disorders. 

Now, even if you have been fortunate enough to have children who are healthy, what if they are carriers of a chromosonal defect and pass it on to their children? Now, I realize few know much about it, but for nearly six years of my nursing career I cared for pediatric patients and families unfortunate enough to have drawn the short stick in this game.  And let me assure you, the possiblities are endless! The suffering these poor children and families endure is heart wrenching and what makes it worse; they are all sentenced to years and years of suffering all to watch precious lives slip away slowly and painfully.  G.I.'s have been denied disablity and proper care as our gov't states "[they] cannot conclusively prove 'gulf war syndrom' and/or symptoms appearing as such to be a direct result of any type of exposure to chemical, biological, or enviromental in nature to be a direct result of anything exposed to upon

I attended more funerals than I want to recall during those years.  I'd come home nightly to my healthy vaglings (as we so loving refer to them in my family) and thank God they were healthy.  I couldn't and cannot imagine how tough it must be.  I now thank God each night that all our little grand vaglings are healthy and remain that way, not forgetting to pray for the health of any new ones which may bless my life in the future.

Adults and children alike, civillian and military, ot doesn't matter who, where or what age illness is illness and forced to feel bad every day and have surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment, chemotherapy, needles, drugs, all the nausea, vomitting, AND PAIN, for what?  What could anyone do that is deserving of such suffering?  What justifies so much "punishment"?  If one sins do you kill an entire civillazation?  Well, we are moving toward globel extinction.

in Iraq alone children are being tortured by a stark increase in bone cancer, brain tumors, and leukemia alone. Moms giving birth to stillborn children, miscarriages.  Who knows what's going on in Iran, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Not forgetting all the other countries located in the middle east, Asia, Europe, Australia and yes the United States.  Hell, the whole f'ing world!  Have we gone mad?

Depleted uranium weapons are illegal as per the United Nations, for God's sake!  Yet, the U.N. "peace keepers" are the ones using them!  Anybody waking up yet?  Huh!?  IS ANYBODY LISTENING? 

We pay taxes to county, city, state, federal that is going up while the biggest chunk goes toward war not building highways, not creating jobs, not healthcare, not education.  We've traded life for death!  I could go on and on and on.

In a society always pushing to live longer, I can't help but wonder what a farce that has become.  We are pro choice, but in most states it's against the law to chose euthinasia to end a life of suffering.   Yet, ironically we are killing innocent civillians daily  with weapons or radiation and most are clueless to the atrocities taking place. 

Regardless of who's to blame for 911, can anyone truly justify all this? How long do you punish?  Are you for certain we are punishing the right ones?  And even so; everyone withing a 1000 mile radius must pay for the sins of a few?  In that case I fear America's punishment to come.   Think for a moment, pre 911 how many "terror" attacks took place?  How many, in truth have taken place since?  Most are actually covert special forces acting on orders or soldiers for hire.  Why do you think groups such as the MEK are being applauded in Iran or why the taliban's approval rating changes day to day.  One day a group are terrorist, the next heros? 

Please do not take this wrong 911 and every attack is tragic!  I am not making light of any one of them, but tell me because it happened here makes it worse than if it occured say in Bagdad?  If I'm not mistaken, middle easterners live in America, rt?  American's reside in the middle east and elsewhere, rt?    It all was nothing short of a complex plan of the very select elite club seizing control of your, mine, and their lives.   America threw that out the door years ago.  Are deficit is unmatched by super powers.  We barely manufacture anything here anymore.  We've even outsourced much of the war industry.  Unemployment is much higher than reported.  Healthcare unaffordable, but soon you will be at the very least penalized for not carrying health insure; although, ironically the ins companies will deny a good portion of the cost leaving the consumer holding the bag.  So, I ask you, do you honestly believe the gov't will be there for the GI's and their families in time of need?  So far, the answer has been no!  We are a society addicted to torture and destruction! 

While our young men and women, mostly coming from middle to lower clash homes, are fighting, dying, getting sick and suffering the elite war profiteers are getting wealthier and sipping on brandy.  I'm sure they get a good laugh at how easily our gullable minds soak up the mainstream medias' propaganda.  How long do we allow such crimes against humanity before realizing that all the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION are being delivered by none other that WE, THE UNITED STATES, THE "GOOD GUYS"?  WE ARE THE ONES responsible for POLLUTING THIS WORLD.  WE ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HOLOCOST THAT CONTINUES TODAY!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

KIDS BUSED TO OTHER LOCATIONS DURING TERROR DRILLS: DID SOMEONE SAY NAZI GERMANY (( DHS, NSA, FBI, CIA, DOD, DOE, terror drills, internmant camps, desensitizing, department of education, nightmare, scare tactics, school buses, alternative locations))

You know, Nazi Germany did the same thing before and during WWII.  I CAN'T IMAGINE THE HORROR IF YOU WENT TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD TO FIND THEY HAD BEEN MOVED AND NO ONE WOULD LET YOU KNOW WHERE THEY WERE. Thousand of children were stripped from families to never be found.  And while they are being "cared" for and re-educated, they remainder of us, go to FEMA camps.  It's happened before...don't think for one moment it can't happen again!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I don't know about you guys, but for the majority of us humans care about our children, grandchildren, neighbors and family alike, are having just an itsy bitsy problem with this agenda. 

Now I realize not everyone is buying into this NWO, WWIII scenerio, the one where they make huge profits at our demise, but perhaps its time you look into this a bit further.  In all honesty, I've read thru hundreds of documents over the past yr, at least and have been watching since the 90's world events, but didn't become really concerned until the last few yrs.

Sure, I've  put scenerios thru my mind wondering how the "End Times" would play out, but I didn't know it was going to be so bad and sadly, right now we are at a party compared.  I'd read prophecy since my childhood.  Always been interested in the "last generation" and always felt like I would see it.  Deep down I knew I would be there for the fireworks and by no means was my imagination slack on presenting some horrific possibilities, but looking at the events which have occured over the last ten yrs has made me come to the conclusion, the agony, horror, and the inhumanity against man will far surpass any of the images I've put together within my own imagination.

I really doubt this can b stopped.  I doubt my "ranting" will make any one of them lose a wink of sleep.  Hell, I don't know how this will help anyone, but I believe we should all wake up, smell the coffee, and get with the real program or there will be nothing we can do.  I cannot imagine looking into my grandchilds eyes why they suffer from some genetically altered virus or bacterium cooked up one afternoon in some macaub science experiment and hurled out for everyone to share, finding myself  unable to help heal or comfort them.  That would be far worse a fate speaking for myself, than I myself being tortured.  Do what you will with me, but....! 

This is no game. This is no joke and should not be taken lightly, regardless of your position, belief or disbelief.  Something beyond our comprehension is coming, something far worse than the ever exploited 911.  Please, I mean no disrespect, but for a moment think!  Think of all the presidential resolutions, all the new laws and how they have taken away our constitutional rights.  Are we so blind? 

Look at the "exercises" the military is doing within our towns, cities and communities alone.  Do you think they need more practice at urban warfare after Iraq? Not to mention they have facilities available for the very same exercises which until recently were sufficient.  Hummm?  Why the change?  For one they are getting you ready. Secondly, it's great psychological warfare. Don't you think?

By 2014 every able bodied American (18 yrs of age) has to serve at least two years as "homeland security forces".  Why would we need such a force if nothing were coming?  Look at what we have done in the middle east.  We've all but ground them into dust.  Using uranium depleted (nuclear) warheads on civillians.  Thousands of children burned, shot, dying while mothers cry out.  If you doubt my discovery here look at the stats: there has been a sharp rise in birth defects and infant deaths along with,Libya is showing some of the same devistating problems.  Syria will soon follow. This information alone should offer enough evidence, but don't take my word for it, look for yourself.  Maybe then you can help me understand how man can be so cruel.  Are people deserving of such treatment because they happen to live there?  Or, maybe because they have different beliefs?  What makes you or I any less vulnerable, any different?

The photo ops of tanks rolling thru towns, the night missions played out for all to see, and FEMA CAMPS.  Investigate what is happening inside the ICE & KBR private prisons holding men, women, and children alike who "await immigration trials" praying to not be deported.  Oh, but many are being refused legal counsel, stories of women and young girls being raped, men beaten and abused, are epidemic.  Still, the number of "illegals" falls quite short compared to the many "internment camps" built and now being staffed.

They want to make sure we fear them while making it common place to see helicopters flying around in the middle of the night.  This is serious.  First they officially crash Greece.  Then our market will b next.  There are thousands of ways to profit off of poverty, war and torture, if you are the type drawn to making a f'ing doller off of misery.  Don't forget the many guillatines which have been shipped to the camps. This is major league stuff!  Those will be for Christians, dissidents, non conformists and whoever else they chose.  I'm sure they will let everyone attend.

Then....the scenerious range in the thousands and I'm no remote viewer, no psychic.  In the end I suppose it'a our fault. We let them do it and then they descided they would do it not matter what!  Nonetheless, know this, if ever it was a time to get right with God.  Accept Christ as savior, the time is now.  America has just a little time left before our own betray us for wealth and for power.  I'm sure some will be brought into homes as servants.  The young, the pretty, the strong, but the rest? 

Humans have exploited others since the dawn of man.  Slavery never ended. We just went about it differently.  Thousands of poor girls sold into the sex slavery industry for one example. Are you so nieve to think it can't happen to you?  You won't be imprisoned.  You won't get sick and won't have to face nuclear fal out in America.  We are the "home of the free and land of the brave!" Rt?  That's what they taught us in school.Think again.  Short of worshipping the "god" which will arrive soon, under the guise of "savior", you're screwed.  This is no joke.  This time was prophecised thousands of yrs ago.  With that said,unless you know where to go and have supplies to sustain you and your loved ones, know how to lay low and won't be found, you're sunk and even then that's no guarentee you won't be found.  Why else would our "representitives" pass such laws as the patriot acr and NDAA?  Do you still believe it's to "protect you from terrorists?"  Think again.  Quite frankly, short of the common ordinary people across the globe like you and I who believe in caring for their fellow man, their is noone upon this earth who cares or who can help.  But, despite it all,  God is allowing this so He can turn His wrath toward those truly deserving of it...the ones trying to hurt us.  I know it doesn't look that way.  Loving, good people will suffer, but know "He will not be mocked!"  "He will be your comfort in times of need!"  If you call upon Him and allow Him, he will bring you out of this hellish mess that MAN CREATED ALONG SIDE THE MAN OF PERDITION, THE KING OF HELL ITSELF!  I don't want to see anyone have to live thru this.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

IN THE DAYS OF NOAH FALLEN ANGELS LAY WITH THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN CREATING "MIGHTY" MEN OF VALOR: HOW DO WE COMPARE?((Tags: days of Noah, nephillum, giants, fallen angels, satan, last days, NWO, gentetic manipulation, demons, rapture, great tribulation

NEVER FORGET THE TRUTH! THE ALIEN, UFO DECEPTION. ((Tags: UFO'S,NWO, NASA, WWIII, area 51, alien agenda, supernatural, spiritual realm, spiritual beings, a great delusion, alien invasion, war of the world, satan, 66, end times, anti christ, mystery b



GI TO BE DISCHARGE BECAUSE OF POLITICAL STATEMENT: LOSS OF OUR FREEdOM OF SPEECH AND ALL OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. SADLY, THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. ((Tags; marine news, constitutional rights, death of the constitution, president obama, court mar