Friday, January 20, 2012


Someday we are going to have to grow wery of what the "gods" are doing.  Someday we have to say enough is enough!  When will we see "that day"?

Will the drop of rabies vaccines from the air over Texas cause its spread? ((Tags: vaccines, rabies, human experimentation, eugenics, forced vaccination, CDC, DHD, DOD, FEMA, the Bill Gates foundation, live viral vaccine, MMR, spreading disease, mode

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Does anyone care?  Maybe I'm the crazy one amongst a world of chaos and destruction...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fukushima and contaminated sealife and wildlife spreading to North America. ((Tags: fukashima, nuclear power, nuclear disaster, radiation poisoning, tepco, the japan mafia, nuclear power, nuclear disaster, nuclear fall out, radation sickness, japan e

U.S. killing thousands without just cause inflaming victims((Tags: war on terror, tyranny, police state, acts of aggression, drone attacks, WMD, UN, MATO, US, FEMA, DOD, DOJ, DHS, NWO, KBR, internment camps, destruction, murder, crimes against humani

The elite win yet can get away with murder over and over if you are the right people. ((Tags: elite, the royal family, prince harry, the queen, monarchy, british common wealths, human trafficking, sex slaves, kidnappings, set industry, pr

H5N1 was that the virus shown in "Contagion"? Scientists gone MAD!((Tags: bird flu, lab manipulated virus, scientific madmen, H1N1, death,pestilence,, WMD, CDC, WMD, UN, FEMA, DHS, DOD, swine flu, biologicalwarfare, pandemic, contagion, bacterial

Cholera outbreak for first time in Haiti: some believe brought thru U.N. troops.

Thousands disappear in Chili...under NDAA how long before more Americans go missing? ((Tags; NDAA, chili, forced disappearences, NWO, FBI, CIA, NSA, TSA, INS, FEMA, DOD, DHS, assasinations, cia assasinations))

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Iraqi vet slays homeless..why doesn't our government get help for the ones suffering with PTSD before it's too late? ((Tags: homeless slain, PTSD, military neglect, mental illness, murder, psychosis, mental health, hallucinations, altered reality, al

It seems there are a lot of vets returning from the middle east with issues mostly related to PTSD.  It's no wonder considering the long stents of combat assignments each have had to endure, coming home for a brief leave and then quickly returned to the front lines.  No other war in American modern combat have so many return assignments to the battlefield been issued.  Instead of one or two, now it is not uncommon to hear of six or seven completed before discharge. 

Hearing gunfire, bombs, and automatic weapons blasting,  booming their thundering rounds, one after the other without rest.  Who could listen to the gunfire, the children and mothers screaming in pain, fear and mourning without being shaken.  The constant state of high alert they experience in urban warfare, walking thru dark buildings and homes, not knowing what lurks in front of the light could only lead to complete adrenal exhaustion, which in turn leads to depression, apathy, thoughts of suicide.  Not mentioning the high from the endorphins that once was pure elation and left a feeling of well being, now robbed simularly to that of a meth junkie once clean and sober.

No real joy is found, nothing makes them smile, laugh, happy without it.  Meth leaves the brain drained of these joy giving, pain relieving, little chemicals as does over exposure to high levels of stress rendering life a constant misery, a living Hell.  Networks of nerve ending and synapse junctions are fried.  Their wounds go beyond physical scars,  spreading into mental, neurological, psychological injury.  Thus, leaving them succeptible to losing reality and returning to combat without discriminating between victims, because everyone is the enemy.

PTSD should not be taken lightly.  These men and women no longer go through a "normal" day.  To some, any loud noise or constant sound pollution has the potential to cause a fight or flight response.  A sound at night awakens you.  Logically, you investigate, first listening and then you proceed looking for the source, which under normal circumstance, was nothing serious. 

Under the same scenerio their anxiety climbs.  They begin sweating, their heart beats faster, adrenolin hits the blood stream and mixes a bit of psychosis with hallucinations and BAM! They are in Iraq.  They are patroling through homes, searching for "the enemy".  Unable to rationalize reality the potential for injury, sometimes fatel injury is high.

I've cared for many patients who have suffered with PTSD many times over the 19 yrs of nursing.  I have a few comical stories, but despite there amusing qualitiesb nonetheless, this HUMAN BEING SUFFERS!  Many divorce.  Spouces have a tough time coping, too.  Never knowing when your husband's reality will shift into confussion would be a nightmare.  The worrying for your children's safety would take a huge too, especially without proper mental health intervention.

Many turn to drugs or alcohol or both trying to feel "normal", calm down, or feel something, anything.           They aren't working on being the next visitor to the state pen nor do the wish to be a guest on "Jerry".  They are trying to rediscover who they are, live again and recapture the lives left behind.

But, without help the only thing to look forward to is a mental institute, prison, losing family, losing possessions or becoming a homeless addict unable to care for themselves or suicide.  A few states have begun having court cases dealt with through a military court allowing the veteran an opportunity for rehabilitation and avoidance of jail time, but that isn't enough!

More courts need to be focusssed on helping them get healed and more facilities need to house them until the problem is better controlled offering counsiling and medications if necessary.  Sadly, they fall thru cracks at discharge.  Rather C.O.'s ignore the problem or don't see it progressing slowly within their men or the G.I. dosnt disclose his issue when filling out the discharge questionaire developed for troops rotating out of commision, asking them if they have symptoms of any psychological problems out of fear of retribution.

Iraqi vet slays homeless..why doesn't our government get help for the ones suffering with PTSD before it's too late? ((Tags: homeless slain, PTSD, military neglect, mental illness, murder, psychosis, mental health, hallucinations, altered reality, al

It seems there are a lot of vets returning from the middle east with issues mostly related to PTSD.  It's no wonder considering the long stents of combat assignments each have had to endure, coming home for a brief leave and then quickly returned to the front lines.  No other war in American modern combat have so many return assignments to the battlefield been issued.  Instead of one or two, now it is not uncommon to hear of six or seven completed before discharge. 

Hearing gunfire, bombs, and automatic weapons blasting,  booming their thundering rounds, one after the other without rest.  Who could listen to the gunfire, the children and mothers screaming in pain, fear and mourning without being shaken.  The constant state of high alert they experience in urban warfare, walking thru dark buildings and homes, not knowing what lurks in front of the light could only lead to complete adrenal exhaustion, which in turn leads to depression, apathy, thoughts of suicide.  Not mentioning the high from the endorphins that once was pure elation and left a feeling of well being, now robbed simularly to that of a meth junkie once clean and sober.

No real joy is found, nothing makes them smile, laugh, happy without it.  Meth leaves the brain drained of these joy giving, pain relieving, little chemicals as does over exposure to high levels of stress rendering life a constant misery, a living Hell.  Networks of nerve ending and synapse junctions are fried.  Their wounds go beyond physical scars,  spreading into mental, neurological, psychological injury.  Thus, leaving them succeptible to losing reality and returning to combat without discriminating between victims, because everyone is the enemy.

PTSD should not be taken lightly.  These men and women no longer go through a "normal" day.  To some, any loud noise or constant sound pollution has the potential to cause a fight or flight response.  A sound at night awakens you.  Logically, you investigate, first listening and then you proceed looking for the source, which under normal circumstance, was nothing serious. 

Under the same scenerio their anxiety climbs.  They begin sweating, their heart beats faster, adrenolin hits the blood stream and mixes a bit of psychosis with hallucinations and BAM! They are in Iraq.  They are patroling through homes, searching for "the enemy".  Unable to rationalize reality the potential for injury, sometimes fatel injury is high.

I've cared for many patients who have suffered with PTSD many times over the 19 yrs of nursing.  I have a few comical stories, but despite there amusing qualitiesb nonetheless, this HUMAN BEING SUFFERS!  Many divorce.  Spouces have a tough time coping, too.  Never knowing when your husband's reality will shift into confussion would be a nightmare.  The worrying for your children's safety would take a huge too, especially without proper mental health intervention.

Many turn to drugs or alcohol or both trying to feel "normal", calm down, or feel something, anything.           They aren't working on being the next visitor to the state pen nor do the wish to be a guest on "Jerry".  They are trying to rediscover who they are, live again and recapture the lives left behind.

But, without help the only thing to look forward to is a mental institute, prison, losing family, losing possessions or becoming a homeless addict unable to care for themselves or suicide.  A few states have begun having court cases dealt with through a military court allowing the veteran an opportunity for rehabilitation and avoidance of jail time, but that isn't enough!

More courts need to be focusssed on helping them get healed and more facilities need to house them until the problem is better controlled offering counsiling and medications if necessary.  Sadly, they fall thru cracks at discharge.  Rather C.O.'s ignore the problem or don't see it progressing slowly within their men or the G.I. dosnt disclose his issue when filling out the discharge questionaire developed for troops rotating out of commision, asking them if they have symptoms of any psychological problems out of fear of retribution.

Strange phenomenon in artic.

The legend of the night crawler and some real video.

Strange creature caught by campers.

Strange creature caught by campers.

Strange insect found. Has anyone seen them before or know what species they are?

Abduction possibly caught on tape. ((Tags: alians, alian abduction, ufo, paranormal, paranormal research, PTSD, UFO, abductee, results of abduction,demonic forces, spiritual realm)l

Stick like "creatures" caught on video, what do you think?

Will they try another attack? Olympics 2012. ((Tags: WTC, DOD,FCC,FAA, INS, TSA, NSA, FEMA,NWO, illuminati, olympics 2012, false flag, V,Cars 2, V for Vendetta, Big Ben, House of Parliment, 2012, tyrany, terrorattack, religion, zionists, muslims,

NWO in our symbols and cartoons: what are we being "trained" for and maybe, it's time to rise? ((Tags; illumicorp, illuminati, NWO, FEMA, FCC, DOD, DHS, world leaders, propaganda, fascism, elite, poor, poverty, population control, subliminal messages

50 Old cartoon explained what America's future held. ((Tags: america, capitalism, FEMA, DOD, DHS, FBI, CIA, IMF, federal reserve, freedom for security, tyrany, monopoly, death to unions, state rights, constitutional rights, destruction of america, th

Economic hitmen: the truth behind the collapsing financials system. ((Tags: corporate run government, bribing political officials. Corrupt bankers, IMF, CIA, FBI, DOD, WMD, war crimes, extreme poverty, political corruption, recession, financial theft

How to corrupt a world leader...ever wonder why promises are never kept to the people? ((Tags: corporate governments, corporate corruption, american exploits, exploiting third world countries, central american politics, political assasinations, the l

Will George W be prosecuted? ((Tags: war on terror, 911" WTC, FEMA, FBI, CIA, WMD, DOD, JCS, DOJ, DHS, terrorists, terror, war crimes, POW, torture, murder, illegal war, war for profit, profits of war, spoils of war, american business aand corruption

Will George W be prosecuted? ((Tags: war on terror, 911" WTC, FEMA, FBI, CIA, WMD, DOD, JCS, DOJ, DHS, terrorists, terror, war crimes, POW, torture, murder, illegal war, war for profit, profits of war, spoils of war, american business aand corruption

Will bush/blair ever be charged with crimes against humanity? ((Tags: war on terror, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, WMD, DOD, DHS, FEMA, FBI, CIA, NSA, TSA, INS, WTC, terror, terror, mass round ups, internment camps, torture, soverienty, peace, police s

And Justice for American occupation, Iraq. ((Tags: Iraq war. War on terror, war crimes, u.s. military, iraq pow's, prisoners' of war, tyrany, police, state, middle east conflict, war, infanticide, rape, corruption, crimes against humanity, w

And Justice for American occupation, Iraq. ((Tags: Iraq war. War on terror, war crimes, u.s. military, iraq pow's, prisoners' of war, tyrany, police, state, middle east conflict, war, infanticide, rape, corruption, crimes against humanity, w

The lost art of bartering is back: a few sites that teach you and hook you up with others wanting to save on everything! ((Tags: surving recession, life without money, bartering, swap meets, free stuff, give aways, living on the cheap, broke, financi

Want a change, but don't want it permanant? House or apartment swapping...ways to live and vacation without losing your shirt. ((Tags: apartment swapping, subletting, house swapping, rentals, renting your home, move cheaply, vacation for less, saving

Taking a break from the rat race...healthier and happier avoiding corporate america at the grocer. ((Tags: organic food, raising your food, gardening, hifpgh cost of processed food, health hazzards of processed fod, living healthier, saving money, ga

This Lady gave everything away and took life on without money...I think I have a new hero! ((Tags: money, consumer interest, moneyless, homeless, living without money, baartering, swap meets, opening a business, gred, corrupt banks, craig's list, bar

This Lady gave everything away and took life on without money...I think I have a new hero! ((Tags: money, consumer interest, moneyless, homeless, living without money, baartering, swap meets, opening a business, gred, corrupt banks, craig's list, bar