Thursday, October 10, 2013

Entertain Unaware

Things are moving at such an accelerated rate.  Getting caught up in watching is a two sided coin.  Heads, you see into history while watching future unfold. Tails, you get to be tested on what you've been shown.  We get trial runs.  We get preliminary tests and then the finals.  Life is a test.  Life is a prep for eternity.  I suppose I was an old soul as a child.  I searched, mostly in private, quietly from a very young age.  My grandmother, who because of illness and circumstances was forced to give up school by the third grade. She early on instilled in me a desire to search things out.  Although her formal education was little, she never stopped reading.  She never stopped searching for truth.  My grandfather, on the other hand, decided in the ninth grade that he  and his "bud", his brother could be served better by quitting school, working, and riding the rails.  He displayed that fee spirit, that mischievous side, I embraced.  I should probably be dead long before we ever moved from our farm in Oklahoma.  I sat, watched quietly, studied people, because I was intrigued.     I would boldly take any dare, without thought to my safety.  I'd practice a skill over and over again until I mastered it and then I'd do it over and over again.  There are a few who have known me long enough to understand that small aspect.  There are a few who know me only one dimensionally, but, I hold my personal stories closely.  In reality, I am passionate, animated and poker faced, depending on the situation.  Until a few years ago, my personal opinion of world events were my own, thoughtfully guarded, studying every aspect, front, back, sideways, upside down.  However I needed to turn it for my mind to understand, I turned it.  I say none of this to brag, but merely give a peak into the cluttered mind of a type A, lioness who will guard with her life, but wants to play and watch as those blessings of God, the gifts in my children and grandchildren blossom.  I asked to be shown many things in my life.  I've asked to see what lies ahead of the blinders that keep us grounded in the physical. I've ran off coffee, two hrs sleep and pushed for longer than I can quite remember.  Anyone who has known me , even in the least, knows that.  I have been given so much more than you'd care to hear and too much for a little blog.  Not money, not riches, not anything truly measured by our worldly standards as much, but outside of this physical realm I have been exponentially blessed!  It is sobering to watch your self, your spouse in your children as they grow, but even more mind boggling is what you see through your grandchildren's eyes and actions.  WOW!  I'll save all that for now.  But, I have one story that I will only bore you with from here.  I sat on our two story home many evenings watching the sun slowly set upon the red soil of our farm in Oklahoma.  I wandered, pondered, how could i jump from my bedroom window and catch a ride upon the Sun and so much wanted to see what lay beyond.  We left and moved to Amarillo when I was six.  I say all that simply to provide a slight context for the thought process that was given me as standard operating equipment from the start.  Most of you will understand the area i matured in.  I wanted to know the wonders God provided.  I painted them.  I studied them and yet, what is seen naturally did not suffice.  I sought the hidden, not the "dark, backroom occultic.". I've seen some bad. Much more than only God, myself and Bill know, but that was for my journey of discovery and preparation.  I'm 16, competitive, perfectionist, free spirited, serious, happy go lucky.  Complicated, but watching.  My first car, nice cutless sierra.  Not bad for a half tomboy, quite spoken,but rapidly becoming opinionated girl.  We lived in the country, so driving to town was a fair distance.  I'm cruising a beautiful,   sunny, spring day down the Canyon Eway, approaching Wonderland Amusement park and the power goes dead.  My car is quickly loosing speed and the only exit i have time to get onto is the Northeast 24th, parallel to Thompson Park.  For those who know the area, the exit is slightly downhill, but it then is uphill probably about 1/8th of a mile to reach the stop light ahead.  On the opposite side, at the top across the adjacent road, the gas station.  The payphone and help to resolve the  definite kink placed into my plans for the afternoon.  Momentum gives out with about 1/3 of the climb before me.  It's me, myself and I who has to figure this one out.  I get out, place the car in neutral, driver's side door open and I'm pushing.  I don't even remember giving this near impossible plan a second thought.  I got out and i was getting my car up that hill!  I am no iron woman.  There was no one around and it was kind of on the edge of a place you'd feel real comfortable with your daughter being all alone and vulnerable, but i never thought about it.  I'm pushing, not getting very far very quickly, but at least for the moment going into the right direction, but each step became a little steeper, took a little more umph.  Then, i noticed i was moving, the push easier and realized from somewhere came two young gentlemen.  Probably average size, six ft tall and average built.  No terminator, just two guys who came from no where pushing one on each side of my rear bumper.  I was in the zone and no words where spoken.  They did not ask, "need some help?". They where just there.  We finally made the hill, crossed the street and entered into the full service has station, repair shop parking lot!  Alright!  I'm relieved.  I'm excited, we did it!  I turn to thank these two knights in blue jeans and t-shirts for their help and kindness and no one was there.  Now understand, in front a gas station, behind highway and a large park and to my side open road.  There was no obstruction that i could have lost them to.     As quickly as they came, as out of thin air as they came, they disappeared.  I am not delusional.  I know my surroundings. I know.  Some may call me a fruitcake and that's fine.  I'm not, but you may draw your own conclusion to the end of my story, but i tell you i got some help that day from two plain clothed, normal looking......  If we entertain Angels unaware as the Word of God speaks, i tell you this, that day, i know i entertained or worked two Angels .  Believe it or not, but that was one of my first in a series of events, encounters, not with aliens, supernaturally given interventions.  I knew.  I was thankful!

Sent from my Windows Phone

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