Saturday, August 20, 2011

Biological terrorism

My previous post titled "The future of terrorism" was written in 2008 and it seems nothing has changed, except the threat has only increased?  Hum.  I guess I'm a bit confussed.  In out post 9/11 world, we as Americans have given up many freedoms and implemented laws such as the patriot act, giving our govt cart blanche on strong armed tactics, of which will only be implemented on true "enemies of the state."  Yet, the terms are so poory defined, well anyone could be a terrorist, right?  Sadly, mixed in with our loss of privacy, surrendering of freedoms, and sacrifice the "threat" has only become worse.
We fight all the "enemies of the free world". Our poor GI's are killed, civillians suffer...where does it end?  When it is all said and done who come out on top?
As the lines of morality change and the truth between of right and wrong blur, the true terrorists' resolve only strengthens and once again, whether it be here in the U.S. or abroad, the losers are the innocent. 
Our economy has tanked from a war that is unwinnable. The poor civillians, women and children abroad dying or giving birth to babies with horrid deformaties and medical problems.  Our enviroment has been polluted further with the use of depleted uranium in warheads and God only knows what else.  I have to wonder,if this madness continues will there be any healthy humans remaining or healthy ecosystems or animals once the killing stops?  If the only thing standing is a few building riddled with bullet holes, who is declared the winner?
I get emails daily from investment groups who claim they can show me how to prosper in America's collapsed economy.  Prosper off war and other countries demise.  Prosper off famine stricken and riot ridden Africa.  Turn my dollar, now worth maybe $.60, into $1.20.  It all boils down to the fact stated and re-stated by elitists such as Rockafeller time and time again "there is nothing more profitable than war."
Allbeit, WWII history is quite different than "War on Terror" at the same time little has changed throughout time.  I could reach back to the first conflict recorded and come to the same conclusion; "nothing is better to stimulate an economy than war".  That is, until it's over.  Profiteers ran rampent on all sides then as they do now.  Sadly,wealthy/ powers that be grab more and more wealth while disease, hunger, and poverty remains for everyone else.
  Realizing, we all want a safer world for our children, but at what cost?  Look around, investigate it for yourself, and wake up!  Our constitutional rights are fading , yet the world is no safer.  Even under the best of circumstances things go wrong.  People get hurt, die.
Summing it all up, I see police becoming more millitant, camera's everywhere, my calls can be recorded, my house photographed 24/7 and there is nothing I can do about it.  I can be arrested and dubbed a "threat to national security" and held indefinately without charge, access to a lawyer, or phone call. GI's are coming home suffering from PTSD,Gulf War Syndrome (a direct result of depleted uranium exposure) and passing it on to spouses.  We are filled with propaganda and dis-information until we have no clue what the truth is. Please, please, please educate yourself!  Don't take my word for it.  You can look all this up for yourself.  Much information is posted on my site.  All this is happening and while we are distracted by obligations and worries of daily life, they continue staffing FEMA camps, and making preparations to come down upon us in the event of civil unrest.  I'm not crazy...just concerned.  In short,I find living under a dictatorship is far more scary a thought, than a the threat of a third world "terrorist".

The future of terrorism

As if things weren't tough enough...

Sunday, August 14, 2011