Tuesday, October 1, 2013

As the U.S. Fall

The last few months have been a whirlwind, looking at all the strange goings on within the political, natural, and spiritual world.

  Obama seems more determined than ever to not only make further war in the middle east, encompassing Syria and Iran, just to name the two currently on his to do list, but to put the last nails in the American coffin as well.  I realize this is a bold statement and I'm sure to get some lovely criticism for it, but it must be said.

  Never before in the history of America has a president attempted to be compassionate yet along with the first lady shown such disdain at the same time.  The false flags going up  , if they weren't so tragic, would be almost laughable or frightening at the complete disregard for even the slightest camouflage to their schemes these days.  We're up to sixteen "mass" killings 158 deaths, not counting the Boston marathon; after all, it was not a shooting, but an attack with a kitchen utensil, just since Obama took office.  Makes the slogan "yes we can" have an entirely different meaning, huh? 

Now as predicted, its time for he and his minions to finish off the gun rights, along with the rest of the constitution.  Since taking away the right to bear arms will brilliantly ensure the freedom of speech, assembly, protection from unlawful search and seizure....are easily policed.

  I grew up during the "cold war", Vietnam, gulf war 1, but never dreamed America would concede so easily.  I realize Britain, Australia and other countries gave up guns with little to no resistance, but America?  Of course I suppose that is yet to be seen.

  Executive orders, although unlawful by constitutional law, now pack a huge punch.  Just as Greece fell centuries ago, so does the American Republic.  But what can on expect when a people know their elected are horrible, but still re-elect?  I can't say we aren't getting what we asked for.  A king, you say?  A king ye shall have!  One who's definition of peace is war, lies are exponential and truth nonexistent. 

Of course I dare not leave out the powers behind the scene.  The entities right from the bowels of Hell that keep our "representatives" bribed, blackmailed and  without conscious. Everyone is suspect, everyone an enemy of the state and if you are like myself desperately trying to get someone to see what's actually happening, well a terrorist!  The snares waiting to entrap us all are everywhere!  If not tainted vaccines it GMO's.  Bacterium laden through and through, pesticide replicating neurologically irritating poison!  That's just what it does once consumed.

  What about the tragic consequences to the earth?  The bug killing, weed enriching seed, has wiped out endless acres of priceless farmland.  Suicides a secondary atrocity brought about by patents Monsanto holds and the irresponsible law suites that have bankrupted poor farmers whose  crops were cross pollinated innocently, yet nonetheless ruining heirloom seed and costing millions in "damages" paid to Monsanto for patent infringement .  There is no justice within mans court now.  What once helped preserve fairness now is a tool to ruin.  But reality proves that whoever is on power controls rule of law.

  Chemtrails have robbed us of healthy skies, replacing them with unnatural false ones.  Whether they are for heat deflection, war, or rain, the results remains the same.  The heavy metals poison our air, water, food and destroy the immune system.  Crops aren't growing as they should.  Plants die early as fruit rots before it can ripen. 

Animals, fish, fowl dying in record numbers makes me consider the canary from old coal mines.  Once the bird keels over you are sure to follow shortly.

Inflation and unemployment out of control.  Poverty growing.  Water and food are no longer human necessity's, but only open to those who can afford to pay. And healthcare, virtually a thing of the past

Something is coming upon this earth that many will regret loosening.  We on earth have much more to fear than a few meteorites or comets.  The ceremonial release of the fallen, demonic and powers of darkness is happening.  Believe it or not, it changes nothing.  What wicked comes cares not for you or I, but only the destruction of man and the one true God.  Despite the fact Satan and his slaves have convinced a few men they are god, does not change the final outcome.  Yet, until the end has come, they rule the world.  The bankers, big business and pharmaceutical companies rape, pillage, and run over the masses.  War is the biggest driven machine, seeing to it population is diminished. Uranium depleted warheads produce genetic anomalies parents will suffer through along their child for decades.

Irresponsible nuclear power companies finish filling our air, water and food with contaminates and that's all just the tip of the iceberg!  We as humans are in grave danger.

How many must die through war, tainted food, water genetically altered germ warfare, weather wars?  How many must be imprisoned and murdered (legally of course) extra judicially, starved and beaten to death before anyone sees?

1 in 5 go to bed hungry in America alone.  Home foreclosures are at record highs.  At least 25% of Americans are homeless, but we now have a remedy for that.  You just outlaw being poor and homeless, many states have and you get a first class ticket to a Fema Camp.  Of course, you're not free to come and go, labor is unpaid and forced, but while imprisoned you can be "re-educated" or soon to follow loose your head.  Mentally "ill" are being rounded up to, but that's just so they can help you.  Right!

Foreign troops occupy our nation and soon, will conquer it from within.  And coming soon worldwide a very important decision has come; deny Christ or die.  Would it be better to loose your life to gain eternal life vs live now and gain Hell for eternity?  That will soon be the number one question to answer.  Of course death now vs an eternal torment is, but only you can make the freewill choice to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior or to deny Him.

Now with the government shut down countless Americans now without jobs and won't even receive their last checks. Is this the October Surprise Obama has bragged about?  Will bank accounts and retirement accounts be plundered, homes confiscates, foreign troops as well as police and national guard?  According to the symbolism on the  dollar bill 2013 is the endgame for America and the ushering in of the NWO , ANTICHRIST system.  Still think people such as myself are loony?  Do you not think our government wants riots, looting, and chaos?  How better to rid the dissidents and bring the remainder onto submission ?  It's coming if not now, soon.  And after you have all laughed at those of us screaming "the endgame os coming!  The FEMA camps are ready! Foreign troops are not here to train, but are here for you!". Will you laugh then or will  our voices pop into your head, with warnings and telling you to prepare?  I've spent so much time looking, reading,and posting to fb, twitter, linkin, my own sight that I haven't gotten it all ready either.  Mu husband has help care for that part.  Food, water  and other needs are fare from enough.  My finances have hindered me from stock piling, bit I've done as i feel God has led me.  To the point there are some days I don't sleep for two or three  days because the info just keeps coming and coming.  Out of fear of not being able to pick up where I left off, I continue.  If you had the time to go back onto mu web sight and following my journey, you would see how each piece, one upon another brought me to where I am today. 

Think of me as you will, but eternity is at stake, not just the U.S. Or the world.  Your salvation is the important part!  Accepting Jesus as savior is all that will save you!  All the other...it's just to show the brevity of time.  I pray each reading this understands what is really at Stake... YOU AND WHERE YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY!

Sent from my Windows Phone

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