Monday, January 7, 2013


As I've stated in the past online, to friends and family alike, if we continue our silence we will one day awaken to the reality that our freedoms have been stripped away and you need look no further than into the mirror to find the guilty party.  Benjamin Franklin even warned,"we give you a Republic, if you can hold onto it!" 

I often wonder how many times as our founding fathers peer down upon us, how many times they've shaken their heads in disbelief?  We want "peace with security", but what have we received just since our post 911 world came into inception?  Nothing short of an ever growing monster of tyrany decorated within a policestate.

As never before we have the tools at our fingertips, which offers instant information and though it takes alot of reading and digging to find truth, even the most flagrent propaganda allows for some truth to be learned, but yet we wish to bury our heads, "hearing, seeing, speaking no evil", as though it will shield us from the ever perpetuating snowball heading towards Hell!

Our govt, sadly has proven its blatent disregard and concern for WE THE PEOPLE time and time again, but we have allowed fear and propagated lies to stop us dead in our tracks.  When will we decide enough is enough?  When the team beats down our doors or when nazi style round ups begin?  Does anyone realize the extent of trouble we are facing in the country made famous for "constitutional rights and quote unquote rule of law"?

  I've heard,"that doesn't happen in the United States!  We have a constitution!", so many times I'd like to puke!  Your boss logs into FB to see what you post and if that wasn't bad enough, the cops do too.  Have we become so afraid of our shadow that, if nothing else, we cannot at least attempt to preserve something for our grandchildren?   At what point did our govt stop fearing the people and the people begin fearing government?

We ridicule or govt officials, speak of the atrocities, and even admit to the infamous crookedness of our political officials and their agenda, yet we do nothing.  We have evolved far from the jokes declaring the immense corruption of our officials and the "election" process and I believe have topped even the most underhanded systems of our past, yet we bury our heads in the sand.  We've truly become a fold of sheep being led to slaughter!

Despite seeing no real threat, attack or obvious sign flashing in neon letters,"the U.S. has fallen" in 2012, December 21, 2012 more specifically, does not mean it was benign!  2012 brought the NDAA, a widening policy towards countless murders of our citizenry, numerous presidential resolutions widening big government power while allowing big corporations the ability of profiteering as a result of our losses.  Now protesting in D.C. can make you a felon, gun rights are all but stripped, vaccines have been found to cause severe health risk to ourselves and children alike, DHS offered little to no relief to Hurricane Sandy victims, your property is no longers yours and the decision of what to do with it fell under DHS jurisdiction.  Unemployment is far from the meager 8% claimed by politicians and deportations and lockups of immigrants will reflect our "fast and furious" policy.

Our deficit on military spending alone out weighs our gross domestic product while insurance premiums double in some states because of Obamacare and don't forget the extra $1200 on average WE THE PEOPLE will divey to the feds in employment taxes this yr!   Hyperinflation is taking its toll at the grocery store and gas pump and conveniently as we adopt stricter gun laws as school shootings resume?  Need I continue?  Unfortunately I could go on and on and on and on...fiscal cliff?  Anyone?  Anyone?

Do I think we can now stop the wheels already greased whiel our apathy lingers?  No, not really.  I have little faith short of revolt anything could be done to put the brakes on, but...does that offer cart blanche authority to those in power?  Go back, look at WWII history alone and see the unfolding of Nazi style facism and tyrannies then compare it to today.  I'll even slip you the answer:  they are exactly mirror images of one another.  If history is destined to repeat itself...especially if one fails to learn from past mistakes, then the rewind button has rolled back and here we go again. 

In closing...I grew up watching America supposedly stand for human rights, fight against human atrociities and listening to the "moral majority"  I've strived to instill values into my children and be a good example.  And, maybe just maybe America grew to our super power status because we held our God high and worked towards being human, but what are we deserving of if we kill innocent in droves, wage war over petty lies and give all our liberties up out of fear...well, if you reap what is sown, if a corrupt government brings evil upon even the most innocent then maybe I do have more to fear than fear itself!

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