Friday, March 16, 2012

CPS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL GOVT AGENCY LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. ((Tags: CPS, DPS, DOJ, DOH, abuse, abuse in the system, child wellfair, child protective service, department of health, department of child wellfair, murder, abuse, death, child abuse, sexual ab

Until we get mad and demand things change, "WE THE PEOPLE" have no voice.  We are invisible to the system that once was supposed to protect us.  Have we grown so accustom to being told what to do that we don't know when to protest?  Have our minds been so brainwashed that we don't know abuse when we see it or become too frightened to stand up and be heard? Have our eyes become too clouded to understand when evil shows its face? 

Something has gone terribly wrong with the experiment known as America.  Only a country crawling with demons could be so horrid!  What happened to helping those who can't help themselves.  What happened to "...bring me your tired, helpless, and poor..." What happened to " thy neighbor...,.....feed the hungry..., and not kill..." ?  What happened to " to be an American..."or the country I grew up with?  Seems we've "...thrown the baby out with the water..."

Only a system so corrupt would allow such a thing as our future to be beaten, abused and destroyed.  Only a system so evil could fail to see.  Only a system   As one I am weak, easily beatin and small.  As two, I am supported and understood.  As many, I am bold, strong, unbeatable!  With God I am angry, fed up and protected, but most of all " to all things..."! 

"Vengence is mine sayest the Lord..." and I conquer, it's way past due!  Watching the occupy movement, the results of war, and greed churns my stomach.  Makes me ill to think this is the country in which I reside.  Wasn't discrimination, religious hatred and greed enough?  Have we become a society so accustom to recklace abandonment and consumerism that we don't recognize the value, the treasure, the gift placed under our care?  Is it so easy to forget the future, to forget our legacy?  Does life matter to anyone anymore or do we hate ourselves so much we chose to lose the reflection which reminds us of our past as well as leads us into the future?  If so...perhaps it's time to blow out the candles, turn out the lights and return home.  Maybe it's to fold, whichever the choice know that one day "...we will all stand before THE LIVING GOD and give an account..." 

Fear does nothing but breed defeat and rob precious moments.   Fear weakens.   I know no fear short of judgement.  Although I may shrink afraid I will stand tall knowing EL is in control.  I AM surrounds me and I am bold.  Regardless how this ends I know it was only the beginning and while I lived blessed, guarded, and happy, someone else knew nothing but poverty, violence and lack.  The two must exist together before mirracles can begin.  Natural law demands yen and yang co-habitate for now, but one day, we, will all know love.  The question is, who gets to embrace it? 

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