Saturday, September 3, 2011

Injustice within America

Watching the news over the last several months, I've come to the conclusion we are now living within a complete police state under dictator Obama.  From the unconstitutionality of the super congress, DHS, DOD, and Fema's policies, which have been given the complete ability and authority to rob the American citizens of all monies, properties, and civil rights; we as citizens of this once great nation, if we do not begin standing against and resisting the enforcers' unlawful practices we will be left to suffer further.

Immigration is receiving amnesty as the laws are being ignored, yet I'm a terrorist for speaking out against the unlawful discrimination affecting our nation as a whole.  By the end of the year guns will be outlawed further handicapping our ability to protect ourselves, families and nation from government tyrany.  Police and military are ignoring laws and battering or unlawfully arresting citizens daily. 

Look at the newest immigration reports, watch utube videos showing innocent people being arrested for asking a question or being tazed repeatedly. President Obama has cinched his position as dictator thru unlawful resolutions and has the ability to declare war upon any state, nation, or person without congressional permission.  Military personel are patro,ing with policemen.  Police have become milliterized.  Wake up people! Does this not frighten anyone but me?

Read about the national parks closed down for "violence" where illegals are growing drugs and trashing our parks.  The parks we are supposed to own to take our children to play and enjoy.  School budgets being cut, teachers fired, and children left without proper attention to allow for learning is epidemic.  What are we paying taxes for?  To alallow Prince obama nd Princes Michelle the ability to trvel and play golf on our dime or giving the hs and senate $ to take their entire office and family on a world tour?

Is anybody out their tired and fed up?  We must stand and unite.  Stop allowing such crimes to rob us and our children of a future.  The globelist, ellitest and bankers have robbed us blind.  When the economy finally crashes all your retirement and property you have worked so hard for will be absorbed by the state and become property of the federal government.  They have announced gold and silver coins are illegal and anyone holding or minting them are terrorists.  Is anyone else fed up with the "terrorist" propaganda mysides myself?

Look around, educate yourself and act!  GMO's, vacinations and flu shots are killing Americans slowly.  Auto immune diseases have increased 1000%.  Autism occurs one in one hundred sixty.  Its sole cause is mercury based immunizations.  Doctors and government health officials know thois.  Now, raw milk is illegal, people selling fresh produce from gardens and eggs are being arrested as terrorist.  Seems they are undermining the economy by offering alternatives to the poisened food sold by big business and corporate farms.

New laws forcing service in national guard for our children.  Forced healthcare insurance purchase under Obamacare.  If you think insurance premiums and healthcare costs are high now, just wait.  It is going to get worse.  Jobs are in a negative growth pattern.  We are being lied to regardibg unemployment figures, sitting closer to 40% without work and then look at the % of under employed.  Major industry has done nothing to create jobs.  Why?  What do the klnow that we do not?  America is going to cease to exist?  PRISONS UNDER Fema and DHS were built across country able to house tens or thousand, hundreds of thousands...why?  They aren't there for immagrants specifically.

Tens of thousand of Americans have lost there homes.  Cities have made it illegal to be seen if you are homeless.  Thousands of acres of farmland with crops growing flooded by opening levys to "save" a town or a casino.  Americans' are being destroyed, yet everyone seems to be burying their heads in the sand.

Free speach, gone.  Right to assemble, gone.  No Taxation without representation, a joke!  Right to bare arems, on the chopping block.  Right to feel safe within your home from political or police raids, gone.  Free from tyrany, not.  Citizens attacked by millitary is happening.  Martial law will begin.  Just wait, there will be a "terrorist" attack, but by our own government.  Some may think I'm nuts, but I speak the truth.  Look at reality.  Look at the signs, the writing on the wall.  Look at my web sites.  Http:  follow me on twitter or facebook. if you have questions email or text me.  Would love to educate you.  Just look, listen, and learn before it's too late and we end up like nazi Germany.  It's happening.  It's coming and I'm not crazy!

Wake up and act America before it's too late.  Anybody interested instanding up or wanting info on any subject affecting our livelihood today contact me at or call or text me at 9403916949.  Leave message.  Let's find a solution before it's too late!

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