Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day of rage: the objective. ((TAGS: DAY of rage, annonymous, protests, wall street, new york, civil disobedience, peaceful occupation, america, american rights, civil liberties, freedom, constitutional rights, free speech, peaceful assembly, right to

A media blackout has virtually been called to prevent the spreading of info pertaining to the "day of rage", it began Sept 17Th and runs thru the 28th I believe.  Please know they have been peaceful in all ways, but the police dept has harrassed them since the beginning.  Although the NYPD doesn't act unless ordered by upper level officials such as the Mayor, ect ect...the enforcement has been less than kind.  Know these youth stand for your personal freedoms.  The right to free speech, assembly, and political voice.  Protesting the financial structure and govt corruption associated with under handed fiscal policy is the main platform for this protest.  Wanting to once again only allow personal, not corporate contributions for political candidate during elctions.  They are wanting to at least damper the political corruption and control the corporate contributions are creating.  Wouldn't you like your vote to actually count again, have the politicians answering to you and voting according to Americans needs vs cooporate agenda?  Just ask yourself, is this the country you grew upo in?  When is the last time reps voted according to our will?  If you have emailed, phoned, or signed petitions asking congress to vote a certain way you know the true answer to these questions.  Its our country...or it had been.

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