Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free vacation! See how to qualify

It appears the Obama's are living the most privilaged of presidential terms since the dawn of man. It's bad enough Obama plays more rounds of golf than Tiger and eats lobster with most every meal,  but must we also flip the bill for the frequent "jet setting" lifestyle of Michelle?

The First Lady, has taken more vacations in the past yr than many take in a lifetime.  And, if that weren't bad enough, we have to pay for every remaining living relative to join in the festivities?  I can over look an occasional "date night", a few rounds of golf, and a trip to Martha's Vineyard, but considering our "bankrupt" economy, you're pushing the limits of my good nature with all the "in your face America" living it large lifestyle this family feels it is entitled.

In a time where congress has cut funding to programs needed to assist all the struggling under employed and unemployed countrymen in this economic crisis, we are paying for Uncle Joe, Jim Bob, and Auntie Sue to go to Disney World.  And, don't forget, until they sinch up the next war plan, we have thousands of troops coming home who need to find work too.

Any politician, lobbyist or banker who applauded  Obama's attempt to come across Kennadyish in the semi-plagerised "ask not what your country can do..." speech or the frightening one stating "...soon in a global community, citizens will be required to do law, should be ashamed.  I've strove to live and teach my children to lead by example and I expect the same of those in powerful positions.  We should all be growing weary to the tyranical hypocrisy happening today. 

Although we live under the guise of free speach I'm concerned when I complain, but enough is enough! Elected officials and all others in positions of power need to be held accountable for their actions. Furthermore, full disclosure and limits should be imposed on all public funds spent for travel, security, food ect, requiring a full account for all monies before any further allotment is allowed. 

I'm tired of struggling while they live large.  I'm tired of seeing families hurting while they don $10,000 evening gowns, drink champage, and eat cavier at our expense.  I'm tired of watching bankers and big business get millions in bailouts after making poor decisions and bad investments whive giving themselves milions in "bonuses" and robbing investors of their pensions. 

How many children could get medical care, food clothing...with Washington's waste?  How many jobs could be created?  Most Americans want to work, but you must have jobs for people to get jobs.  Right?  I mean, this isn't a trick question.

As the elite continue to rape and pillage what remains of our withering economy, they are getting richer off the freebies as others are fighting to survive. 
While they move their money to foriegn banks, speeding up our demise and sailing out of harm's way on their yahts, the real men and women who hold this country together will stay even if it means going down with the ship. Therefore, all you politicians, wives and aristocrats, I suggest you drink up and toast for someday you will reap your just reward and watch as the poor inherrit the earth!

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