On my blog i attempt to cover all the news, current events and information important to us all during these tumultuous times, on one site making it easier to stay informed during our busy lives. With all the war drums beating, crimes against humanity,political double talk and deception, it's near impossible to know what's real, what's an illusion and what's just plain lies. This blog covers daily news, biblical truth, prophecy coming to fruition before our very eyes.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Thoughts to Ponder: Thoughts to Ponder: WELCOME TO WWIII
Thoughts to Ponder: Thoughts to Ponder: WELCOME TO WWIII: Thoughts to Ponder: WELCOME TO WWIII : I believe regardless of the double speak we are planning to hit Syria. Listen closely, one moment he...
I believe regardless of the double speak we are planning to hit Syria. Listen closely, one moment he, Obama will make airstrikes. Then next he instructs congress to hold off on vote until we "see if Syria will indeed dispose of all chemical weapons", but then he states no American boots will hit Syrian soil, but Assad must step down and he sounded once again as though he, himself, the self appointed war czar, must show chemical weapon attacks will be punished. Of course, there is the rumors that SRA plans to use chemical weapons on Israel; which, would provide adequate "proof" the Assad regime must be taken out. No mention of course was made the theories abounding that the U.S. Obama minions FSA/Al-Qaida/Muslim Brotherhood, indeed were then ones who dropped the gas to begin with. "We are not the world's police...but everyone must understand (paraphrased), such crimes against humanity will not be tolerated.". Sadly, if he would have substituted Me for them, them for us, U.N. For NWO, more with in this speech, it would appear to hold more truth. While Americans remain completely opposed to starting yet another war, supposedly, Obama and Putin along with Kerry are hashing out an alliance with U.S., China and Russia. So while everyone sits, fingers on the trigger or game boy controls, we wait for what is coming. Once again Obama changed the order reported about the decisions to surrender chemical weapons. He also left out Kerry's statement, "a limited strike will come to Syria, because it's too late" (paraphrased) and really gave a speech which said nothing new. Gave no real info. He also forgot to address the nuclear weapons moved to the eastern seaboard earlier this week and the Lindsey Graham statement, (paraphrased), "if we do not strike Syria, there would be a nuclear attack on South Carolina.". So, you tell me? WWIII, nuclear war, destruction of Damascus, Israel attacked (probably a false flag) or is McCain's response which stated, China and Russia will stand down if we attack, correct? Will the unlawful pseudo government of the U.S. throw an initial false flag nuclear attack on America and thus the beginning of the tribulation and destruction of America? America will/has/is being betrayed, sold out, divided as per Intel, between Russia and China, our two biggest creditors. Once again, we have no choice but wait for what wicked traps lie ahead.
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NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms
Another one bites the dust! If you've ever been treated for depression, you might need your rights taken away. If you've ever been anxious, you might need to surrender your weapons. If you've ever stated. "I could just kill him", you might need to surrender your permit and handgun . If you've ever been a conspiracy theorist, truther, constitutionalist, you might need to take a long vacation at Camp FEMA. I hear you can eat 3 meals a day, do forced labor and if you ad Christianity to that long list of "possible pre-crime avenues", you could win a 4minute fire bath within their large incinerated or maybe a trip to guillotine land so you can get your head on straight!
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Sent from my Windows Phone
Thoughts to Ponder: SYRIA: McCain Guarantees Russia, China and Iran Wi...
Thoughts to Ponder: SYRIA: McCain Guarantees Russia, China and Iran Wi...: Rather McCain is the most arrogant man in the world (yes he is), is proving U.S. and others are pushing same agenda, but playing opposite ...
SYRIA: McCain Guarantees Russia, China and Iran Will Not Act - YouTube
Rather McCain is the most arrogant man in the world (yes he is), is proving U.S. and others are pushing same agenda, but playing opposite roles (yes they are) and/or McCain is stupid (yes)? Now prove to me our Republic is still intact and our representatives still listen? Haven't we been lied to enough concerning,spreading "war for peace",selling "democracy" while setting up financial systems immediately following seizing power from these once sovereign nations to control the people? Whoever has the gold makes the rules, right? Brilliantly, rather than bombing people back to the stone age,these root infested weeds controlling the fluctuations of the markets, the 1%'ers, could simply do as stated above. But haven't they already done that? YES! Yet we still feel compelled to kill? But what profits a man in peace? Nothing right? So here we go, war for peace, rob the people blind; after all, those impoverished are "always happier" or at least that's the latest truck full of b.s., they are selling. As a toward moving "collective" global world, it would seem all this violence should end and we should all join hands and sing"cumbya my Lord, cumbya". Yes, somewhere in the near future an illusion of global peace will pop up, but beware of wolves in sheep's clothing! Then the really"big and bad" boys hit the scene. After courting ya (oh honey, but I love you so much 😘) you get betrayed! If you haven't looked at the enslavement of Israel to Babylon during Daniels time, I suggest you give it another look. It correlates very much like what we are heading towards as a Global community collectively. Worship the antichrist or die. Get chipped and buy food for your family, work and sell things or "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" ,literally. Don't get sucked down to the pit from all muck ! Know that Jesus Christ is King. God, our Father and the Holy Spirit, our conscience and teacher. All His creation is screaming out from the abuse given her. His evidence sits before your very eyes and His love protects even in the worst of times. Hold fast! Patiently, pray for everyone and prepare mentally, physically and spiritually. Now is the time. Soon, "mens' hearts will fail for what they see coming upon this earth". I can't predict exactly what is coming, how frightening it will be, but I'm trying to;so, I can stand. Through God, I can cast out demons, heal the sick and move mountains! Do not forget Jesus is our rock. Our foundation. The one who dons our armor. Do not faint now. Strengthen your heart. Renew your mind. Fast and pray, seek and knock. Do not perish for lack of knowledge. Show your faith. Show your love and do not allow the spirit of fear, hatred, death or apathy, to place scales upon your eyes, deceiving you, your family... I do not want to come across as a televangelist. I want my light, My God, the God to shine through me and stick it out until the very end comes for myself. I want none killed, none destroyed, but all the experience what truth, love and peace really is. That is coming....very soon. God bless us all! And thanks for listening to my rant!
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Monday, September 9, 2013
Know, that not all America's back one war began since 911. Not all believe it was "just" the work of terrorists, but believe our own government was part of it, all to begin these unlawful takeovers of national sovereignty and murder of the innocent! I am a Christian, but do not believe in killing my brother of sister regardless of their faith. Faith should be a personal relationship between one and God, knowing we have no need of a teacher but the Holy Spirit. God judges by looking at the true heart, not just a one dimensional narrow perimeter that does nothing short of near criminalizing everything. That's one of the biggest problems we all face, not just Americans alone. Do you not believe all these Fema concentration camps with guillotined have a purpose. The word tells us, when the wrath begins you will either take the mark where you can buy and sell. But lose your soul or refuse and die. Seems this is coming to fruition quickly as is the destruction of Damascus, the last hooray before the true "tribulation"begins. Things are moving fast and yes, I believe prophecy regarding Damascus being complete ruins without inhabitants will be fulfilled in the very very near future. Please consider this fully and know Christ is with you until the end. Be with Him too! And if you must decide, remember, there are many many things worse than death! May God be with us all in coming days! And know, ay least 98% of Americans are completely opposed to this all other wars. Protests are ongoing, petitions concerning impeachment of many officials for war crimes, and calls to our representatives trying to prevent this and further atrocities, but our government is no longer representing us, but themselves and their corporate backers. We've all been deceived. We've all been lied to and many have been searching for truth and praying for a quick end. I salute each and every poor innocent victim and each one who died standing on their faith. Your reward will be great in Heaven.
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Afghan Christian Converts Should Be Executed, Afghan Lawmakers Say | CNS News Mobile
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countdowntozerotime.com » flashback Russia Warns US with Nuclear Armed Jets-last week Russia,China, Iran Send 90000 Troops to Syria 12 Warships :Now :Alaskan Army Bases Under Cyber Attack 9-8-2013
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As Fukushima radiation rages, Tokyo awarded bid to host 2020 Summer Olympics, hilariously named the 'Safe Games'
Who would like to-do broad jump over reactor 4? 100 meter dash through reactor 1. Pole vault reactor 3? Anyone? Anyone? What morons!
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