On my blog i attempt to cover all the news, current events and information important to us all during these tumultuous times, on one site making it easier to stay informed during our busy lives. With all the war drums beating, crimes against humanity,political double talk and deception, it's near impossible to know what's real, what's an illusion and what's just plain lies. This blog covers daily news, biblical truth, prophecy coming to fruition before our very eyes.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
In times of such crazy destructive weather, will Obama make good on his peace prize promise, and block pipeline? ((Tags: President Obama, political promises, globel warming, natural disasters, nobel peace prize, canadian pipeline, canadian tar refine
The past six years have definately brought globel warming to the forefront of all our minds. With Katrina, the Alabama,lousiana, mississippi, missouri tornadoes, Japan, the wonderul horribly cold winter of 2010... who wouldn't think about it? Of course, since 2008, we have went from banks failing, car companies failing,, Fannie & Freddie, AIG,...to recession,, recovery (sort of) to recession, hyper inflation, to depression. So with oceans on the rise, storms on the prowl, and an unemployment rate truthfuly double digit; what is more important? Enviroment or jobs?
Now, if I actually believed politicians were taking both issues into consideration, wanting to care for our Democracy, I might be crazy enough to say both? Can't jobs be created without destroying what is left of this beautiful wonderous creation of God? Why does it have to be one or the other?
You cannot make me believe that there are no enterprenuers intelligent enough to find Inventors who have already created or are in the process of creating solutions to both. Is it the rich lobbiest throwing down their fountains flowing from the endless rivers of money big business has caught the "big fish" politicians with for so many years? The elite, worried the oceans of money they have filled the system with won't net as much profit if say, big oil, gas, and coal become fossils?
You know, the very same amazing money makers, unregulated surprisingly during the Bush / Cheney years, which have added more CO2 to our air and hundred if not thousands of other "mystery" proprietary blends of chemicals (completely restricting the EPA from monitering) poluting our air, our rivers, ground water, and soil. The very same making countless men, women, fathers' mothers', and children deathly or chronically ill. Killed countless land animals and fish too. While, at the same time these very same companies have posted record breaking profits, some tripling one quarter to the next, but workers keep losing jobs though. Perplexed? I am.
Don't get me wrong, I know these are difficult and complex issues, but the gas companies have admitted to having more earth friendly safe solutions. The congressional committe was made aware, but the law passed by Bush, well gave the oil companies full control..so nothing was done. No oversite no regulations, no restrictions. How convienant? Do their children and families not live on the same planet?
I live near Ft Worth, Texas. Did you know per capita there are more gas wells within the metro area, in communittees no less, populated areas (are you getting my point) than anywhere? Our air gets so bad you can't go out. The smog over highly dense well areas is flammable, to the degree they advise not to light an outdoor grill. Asthma and other lung disease is growly exponentially. Still nothing changes.
I keep asking myself the same questions. Why are virtually no jobs being created here, minus fast food and part time? Why are they so reckless when solutions are available? Whay are the moving money to foreign banks in record numbers or just allowing large amounts to sit in banks, not allowing the banks to invest it? I find no reason why options have become virtually unavailable to so many when so many are available to us all. Not one peron should be unemployed. Not one should not be able to feed, clothe, and give shelter to his/her family. Not one should have to live in a tent or wonder how they will pay the mortgage or light bill. No one should go to be hungry. Not one, not just here in America, but worldwide.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Queen holds the power.
Think about it! If we are a North American Union, the U.S., Canade, and Mexico, if the monarchy rules Canade...doesn't that put the U.S. BACK UNDER THE RULE OF ENGLAND?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
ICE Targets buses
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
MMS a cheap disinfectant. ((Tags: water purification, immune booster, health, contaminated water, anti Viral, antibacterial.
MMS can be added to suspicious water for purification as well as hydrogen peroxide. its a great substitute for the old iodine tablets and doesn't leave the nasty after taste behind.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Grow Nature's All-Purpose Remedy in Your Survival Garden
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Off The Grid News" <info@offthegridnews.com>
Date: Sep 13, 2011 1:19 PM
Subject: Grow Nature's All-Purpose Remedy in Your Survival Garden
To: "stacey Taylor" <billstaceytaylor0591@gmail.com>
Dear stacey,
Right about now in my area of the country, we're winding down the summer harvest. We're picking those last lingering tomatoes, filling the cupboards with a little more canned squash, and putting the last of the corn into the freezer. We generally don't think of fall as the time to prepare for next year's harvest. Heck no! It's time to take a break, sit back, and enjoy the fruits of our labors.
At least that's what I thought until I happened to stop by my neighbor's house just a few days ago. She was digging in her raised beds, adding some organic nutrients, and turning the soil over. I won't lie, I'm a little new to this whole gardening thing. I've planted peas, corn, squash, beans, tomatoes, and okra successfully, but I'm by no means a master gardener. I'll take any opportunity I can to learn--and that's why I asked my neighbor if I should be getting my garden beds ready for spring.
And that's when I learned about nature's all-purpose remedy
My neighbor just laughed and shook her head. Then she snatched up a paper bag and plopped it into my hand.
It was garlic, my neighbor informed me ... but not just any garlic. Just like you can't plant potatoes from the grocery store, you can't plant garlic from the grocery store either. Not if you hope to get a decent crop, that is. She explained that, while she could wait until spring to plant the garlic bulbs, it would produce a much smaller clove that wouldn't even be worth the effort of harvesting. Planting her garlic in the fall would make all the difference. It would give the garlic time to grow roots before winter, and come spring, it would be ready to produce foliage and much larger bulbs.
My neighbor also reminded me of all the health benefits of freshly grown garlic. Garlic has been used in the healing traditions of countless cultures for thousands of years. Just as its flavor makes it essential for the discerning cook, garlic's track record makes it a no-brainer for a survival garden. For example, did you know that:
- Garlic contains allicin, an organosulfur compound that scavenges hydroxyl radicals. This process is thought to prevent LDL, the bad type of cholesterol, from being oxidized. (Oxidized LDL contains free radicals that damage the walls of the blood vessels.)
- The allicin in garlic increases antioxidant enzymes in your blood. These enzymes help counter the effects of aging and nicotine.
- Garlic helps promote cardiovascular health. It promotes vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, which helps blood flow more easily.
- Garlic has one percent of the potency of penicillin. That may not sound like much, but this natural germ-fighting quality is important in today's climate of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bacteria easily can become resistant to antibiotics ... but not to garlic! In numerous studies, garlic has gone up against listeria, salmonella, E. coli, cryptococcal meningitis, Candida albicans, and staphylococcus. (In a TEOTWAWKI situation where medical care is scarce or non-existent, garlic would be an essential ingredient in any survival medicine chest.)
Choose the right seed garlic, and you'll never have to buy garlic again!
My neighbor was planting a hard neck garlic variety called German Extra Hardy that is known for its vigor. It has a white outer parchment and reddish-tinged cloves. And while it loves northern winters, it grows well in Zones 3 - 9. It also stores well.
I asked my neighbor why I couldn't just take a garlic bulb from the store and plant it. She explained that grocery store garlic bulbs are field runs, which means they're just snatched out of the ground, weighed, then shipped. They're only suitable for cooking, not planting. Her German Extra Hardy garlic, on the other hand, had been carefully pulled out from the ground (not snatched), and had been selected for several desirable qualities like vigor, output, uniformity, and even looks. Her seed garlic was graded not only on its culinary value, but also on its ability to reproduce with the least amount of problems. Plus, it's certified disease and nematode free.
After she explained all that to me, I wasn't surprised to learn that she had purchased her garlic from Heirloom Solutions. They're particularly excited about this stock of German Extra Hardy that they now have available for fall planting. It hasn't been fumigated (like so much stock from China has been) and it has not been sprayed with any type of sprout inhibitor, so it's not contaminated with chemicals. Plus, it's grown by fiercely independent farmers who pride themselves on providing nutrient dense, healthy stock to their customers.
Each one-pound package of German Extra Hardy comes with 6 - 8 bulbs that contain about four to seven cloves per bulb. This means that you could harvest up to 45 bulbs of garlic next spring! By the way, when you do, choose the healthiest, most vigorous of the bunch and plant them again the following fall. Do this every year and you'll never have to buy seed garlic again!
German Extra Hardy isn't just great in the garden, though. It's absolutely delicious in any dish you could ever cook up. This robust tasting garlic is the perfect addition in soups, pasta dishes, stews, chowders, or any recipe that calls for garlic. (By the way, to get the maximum health benefits of the garlic, wait until the last few minutes of cooking to add it to your dish. This will ensure that its health-promoting compounds stay active.)
You can add German Extra Hardy to your survival garden (and your emergency health supplies) for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling. You'll get a full pound for fall planting, and by spring you'll have almost more than you know what to do with! Heirloom Solutions has special ordered this batch of bulbs in response to requests from their loyal customers ... and when this lot of German Extra Hardy garlic is gone, that will be it for the season. To get in on this special price, click here to order your garlic today.
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Monday, September 12, 2011
Your fate planned years ago.
I realize this article is old, but as you read notice all that has come to pass and all that is currently happening. Scroll back thru mu post and you can compare evidence for yourself.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Another one bites the dust... ((Tags: greece, finance news, eu, IMF, tax payers)l
Well, at least "biting the dust is inevitable, right? I mean, come on! Crunch the numbers. It will take what 100 plus years to pay the "crown", "lords", and the like, if paying it off is even possible. While, the kings and queens of this NWO lavish themselve in luxery, it is most obvious the serfs and peasants, of this great world will once again bare the load. Isn't that the rule of law? "Steal from the poor and "F " them all! Those worthless slaves who are too pathetic to live".
Are any countries out there wondering," WTF?" "WHY DID WE EVER ALLOW THE CROOKS AND LIARS TO CONVINCE US THIS WOULD BE GOOD?" Now, enslaved to work longer hours, wages will be cut, unemployment will sore, and some will lose their lives. Oh, but the wealthy, politicians, and businessmen won't lose a dime. Infact, their profit margins will more than likely rise. All the while, the newly inducted slaves of the renewed and improved "cast" system reserects. Forced to serve, because of high taxes and food prices they kill themselves to pay their last Mite and go without bread.
It is close. It is near at hand. It is upon us. America is about to fall, taking the rest with them. The Elite are in place and ready. Please hear what I say!