On my blog i attempt to cover all the news, current events and information important to us all during these tumultuous times, on one site making it easier to stay informed during our busy lives. With all the war drums beating, crimes against humanity,political double talk and deception, it's near impossible to know what's real, what's an illusion and what's just plain lies. This blog covers daily news, biblical truth, prophecy coming to fruition before our very eyes.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Her battle to halt murders of thousands of girls
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Date: Sep 22, 2011 6:34 AM
Subject: Her battle to halt murders of thousands of girls
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'Persevere until the end'
38,000 China abortions today, yesterday, tomorrow, forever ... Unless!
On June 4, 1989, Chinese soldiers gunned down untold hundreds of nonviolent civilian protesters in the streets of Beijing - an event that shocked the world. Chai Ling, commander-in-chief of the student protesters in Tiananmen Square, tells her dramatic story in "A Heart for Freedom" - a journey that took her from ordinary graduate student, to protest leader, to escaped fugitive, to successful entrepreneur. But the road would lead her to another level still: Today, her life's work is to save the thousands and thousands of baby girls being aborted every day in China. "A Heart for Freedom" is a story of oppression, barbarism, bravery, escape and redemption. She was on a path to success: a girl from a small fishing village now attending China’s most prestigious university. But everything changed when the Chinese government cracked down on the student protesters in Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds of unarmed citizens. She became a fugitive, on the run from authorities who wanted her imprisoned. Among the many snapshots of Tiananmen Square, Chai Ling relates the story of "a young student, dying of a gunshot wound, his face covered with blood, but still repeating as he lay on the ground, 'Persevere until the end, persevere until the very end ...'" She eventually escaped to the U.S., earned two Ivy League degrees, found true love, and became a highly successful entrepreneur. But her desperate quest for freedom, purpose, and peace was never satisfied until she had an unexpected encounter with a formerly forbidden faith. Her newfound passion for God led her to her life’s greatest mission: fighting for the lives and rights of young girls in China. In "A Heart For Freedom," Chai Ling calls China's one-child policy "gender-cide". Her life's work is to make people aware and influence the Chinese government to end the killing. The mission of her organization, All Girls Allowed, is restoring life, value, and dignity to girls and mothers in China:
Praise for "A Heart For Freedom":
- Help End Gendercide - Educating families against female gendercide and easing the financial burden of having a baby girl.
- Educate Abandoned Girls - Providing scholarships for abandoned girls to receive primary, secondary, and post-secondary education.
- Rescue Trafficked Children - Equipping parents to find their kidnapped children.
- Defend Mothers - Supplying legal defense to victims of forced abortion or sterilization as well as those at risk.
What was it like to be at the center of the Tiananmen democracy movement in Beijing in 1989? Chai Ling, who was the commander in chief of the students, tells the story in a gripping and moving way. She shares her insights into the student movement and the personal narrative of her dramatic escape from China and experience as an immigrant in the United States. If you want to read one book about China’s student democracy movement and what happened to its activists, "A Heart for Freedom" will keep you completely engrossed.
David Aikman, former TIME magazine Beijing bureau chief and eyewitness to the Tiananmen massacre Chai Ling is one of the most courageous women I know, and always has been—from her early days as a self-possessed student thrust suddenly onto the worldwide stage to her current role as a fierce defender of women and girls ... Quite honestly, she awes me!
Cindi Lieve, Editor in chief, GLAMOUR magazine Click here to get "A Heart for Freedom: The Remarkable Journey of a Young Dissident, Her Daring Escape, and Her Quest to Free China's Daughters." Official publication date is October 4, but it is available today from the WND Superstore!
YOU MIGHT ALSO BE INTERESTED IN:unPLANNED "What I have told people for years, what I've believed and taught and defended, is a lie. What if I'd known the truth and what if I'd told all those women?" Those are the heart-wrenching words of Abbie Hoffman. She quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in her first actual abortion procedure, walked across the road to join the Coalition for Life. "unPLANNED" is a heartstopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue. Telling Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the life versus rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies.
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Day of rage: the objective. ((TAGS: DAY of rage, annonymous, protests, wall street, new york, civil disobedience, peaceful occupation, america, american rights, civil liberties, freedom, constitutional rights, free speech, peaceful assembly, right to
A media blackout has virtually been called to prevent the spreading of info pertaining to the "day of rage", it began Sept 17Th and runs thru the 28th I believe. Please know they have been peaceful in all ways, but the police dept has harrassed them since the beginning. Although the NYPD doesn't act unless ordered by upper level officials such as the Mayor, ect ect...the enforcement has been less than kind. Know these youth stand for your personal freedoms. The right to free speech, assembly, and political voice. Protesting the financial structure and govt corruption associated with under handed fiscal policy is the main platform for this protest. Wanting to once again only allow personal, not corporate contributions for political candidate during elctions. They are wanting to at least damper the political corruption and control the corporate contributions are creating. Wouldn't you like your vote to actually count again, have the politicians answering to you and voting according to Americans needs vs cooporate agenda? Just ask yourself, is this the country you grew upo in? When is the last time reps voted according to our will? If you have emailed, phoned, or signed petitions asking congress to vote a certain way you know the true answer to these questions. Its our country...or it had been.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Will G 20 place price controls on oil and food commodities?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
H1n1 vaccine beware!
I realize this info is two yrs old, and am looking for newer material, but do not dismiss. What was being done during trials with our children.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Watch out all you infidels!
America in the Bible: our future.
Many of the sites and videos I have posted talke of gloom and doom of the finishing of prophecy, the completion of this time on earth and the beginning of the NWO (anti christs reign). Here is a sote which describes one part of prophecy very well. It takes a bit of time and effort, but if u read it maybe it will shed light upon much I have posted in the past.