On my blog i attempt to cover all the news, current events and information important to us all during these tumultuous times, on one site making it easier to stay informed during our busy lives. With all the war drums beating, crimes against humanity,political double talk and deception, it's near impossible to know what's real, what's an illusion and what's just plain lies. This blog covers daily news, biblical truth, prophecy coming to fruition before our very eyes.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Free vacation! See how to qualify
It appears the Obama's are living the most privilaged of presidential terms since the dawn of man. It's bad enough Obama plays more rounds of golf than Tiger and eats lobster with most every meal, but must we also flip the bill for the frequent "jet setting" lifestyle of Michelle?
The First Lady, has taken more vacations in the past yr than many take in a lifetime. And, if that weren't bad enough, we have to pay for every remaining living relative to join in the festivities? I can over look an occasional "date night", a few rounds of golf, and a trip to Martha's Vineyard, but considering our "bankrupt" economy, you're pushing the limits of my good nature with all the "in your face America" living it large lifestyle this family feels it is entitled.
In a time where congress has cut funding to programs needed to assist all the struggling under employed and unemployed countrymen in this economic crisis, we are paying for Uncle Joe, Jim Bob, and Auntie Sue to go to Disney World. And, don't forget, until they sinch up the next war plan, we have thousands of troops coming home who need to find work too.
Any politician, lobbyist or banker who applauded Obama's attempt to come across Kennadyish in the semi-plagerised "ask not what your country can do..." speech or the frightening one stating "...soon in a global community, citizens will be required to do more...by law, should be ashamed. I've strove to live and teach my children to lead by example and I expect the same of those in powerful positions. We should all be growing weary to the tyranical hypocrisy happening today.
Although we live under the guise of free speach I'm concerned when I complain, but enough is enough! Elected officials and all others in positions of power need to be held accountable for their actions. Furthermore, full disclosure and limits should be imposed on all public funds spent for travel, security, food ect, requiring a full account for all monies before any further allotment is allowed.
I'm tired of struggling while they live large. I'm tired of seeing families hurting while they don $10,000 evening gowns, drink champage, and eat cavier at our expense. I'm tired of watching bankers and big business get millions in bailouts after making poor decisions and bad investments whive giving themselves milions in "bonuses" and robbing investors of their pensions.
How many children could get medical care, food clothing...with Washington's waste? How many jobs could be created? Most Americans want to work, but you must have jobs for people to get jobs. Right? I mean, this isn't a trick question.
As the elite continue to rape and pillage what remains of our withering economy, they are getting richer off the freebies as others are fighting to survive.
While they move their money to foriegn banks, speeding up our demise and sailing out of harm's way on their yahts, the real men and women who hold this country together will stay even if it means going down with the ship. Therefore, all you politicians, wives and aristocrats, I suggest you drink up and toast for someday you will reap your just reward and watch as the poor inherrit the earth!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Detention camps.
Although this is an older post it continues relevant today.
Citizen or not citizen? ((Taga: presidential race, U.S. News, American Citizenship))
So, what do you think? How should we determine citizenship and eligability to hold the office of President? Let's just define this already, draft an addendum to the constitution and move forward, please! How hard can this be?
Quite frankly, what makes a forienger who immigrates to the U.S. and feels compelled to serve our millitary placing their life on the line for our citizens, any less eligable for citizenship or less qualified for public office; especially, if they choose to marry and raise a family here? Perhaps, if in addition to millitary service let's say they had fleed a war torn nation. Human right violations were the norm and they fled in search of freedom and a better life, would they be better qualified? Knowing first hand the true impact such atrocities have upon a society and surviving man's inhumanity to man, could make them a better leader whose focus was more about solving some of the massive problems facing us as a whole and striving to truely make a difference in lives, instead of playing the same worn out games the spoiled brat career politicians of today continue to play. You know the ones we have now all grown accustom to and have tolerated for far too long. (For what reason we continue to put up with it all, I have no clue, but I believe we have had our fill!) After all one can not fortget, once they have recited the oath of the U.C.M.J., they have pledged allegience to their fellow bretheren of the U.S.A and are then bound by millitary law.
Furthermore, why should citizenship go strickly through the father in this day and age? Just because a man donated sperm does not make him a parent nor does it make him a central figure or influence in a child's life.
Given the scenerio, the father is an American, but Mom is not. When the child is born, even if born abroad he/she automatically qualifies, right? Say Dad returns to the states, leaving the child behind and the mother becomes sole care taker. She, continues to live abroad within the country of her birth. Now, if the child's citizenship fell under the father's, would you believe them to be more trustworthy and concerned about our country and its needs if later they chose to come to America and exercise their right as an American citizen to run? Considering, their background, culture, and beliefs were very different from our nation as a whole; would you want them making the big decisions affecting your daily life? Would this choice make you feel warm and fuzzy, safe?
We have debated this issue long enough. Qualifications to hold an office as important as president must be clarified and amended; not to mention, it can no longer be based off of the ludicrous, antiquated, chauvanistic philosophy we have held for so long. Roles are changing and boundries are being pushed, we must adapt without all the moronic reteric that only serves to waste time while trying to degrade the opposing party. What purpose does it serve and who does it help? We must know that regardless of policy, the person serving as the Commander and Chief of our nation, has its needs, its people, and its best interests at heart.
Now, taking into consideration the flip side. The mother being American and father foreign; knowing, that although the child may have been born on foriegn soil mom was sole custodian, while the the father had little to no contact or influence upon the child. Mom raises them in the States with the values we consider important, instilling a deep seeding love for our people and the constitutional rights and values we have taken for granted while stressing the need for compassion and charity. Yet, by current law they cannot run. Who would you feel more comfortable with as your President?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Transhumanism explored in new DVD and book
I've posted several references in my sites to this is you are interested.
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Date: Aug 22, 2011 7:23 AM
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Introduction to Transhumanism
New book and DVD explore scientific, religious aspects
This is not about the "$6 Million Man." You might call it the 6,000-year quest. "Transhumanism" is not fiction. Today, in 2011, transhumanism is a vibrant scientific and philosophical movement. And it's accelerating rapidly. Genetically-engineered foods? Old news. Human-pig hybrid embryos? Years ago. "Spider-goats?" Done. Actual synthetic life? It's called "Synthia," achieved last year by the J. Craig Vitter Institute. The race to perfect technologically-enhanced life forms reached breakneck speed in 2007, and it's ongoing in labs around the world. Much of the work is government-funded but much is within the private sector. You can learn about some of the progress in official reports and in the proceedings of academic and scientific conferences. But quite a lot is hidden from view - either for reasons of military secrecy or in the sphere of corporate researchers working feverishly to patent genetic forms most of the public could never imagine.
Narrating the spellbinding new documentary "Transhumanism," author and publisher Tom Horn opens a window into a field of technology that presents profound challenges in the areas of public health, ethics and religion. Researchers are combining human and animal DNA in order to solve a multitude of health problems and stay ahead in the "arms race" to develop soldiers with stronger battlefield capabilities. There are obvious potential benefits from enhancing human physiology: cures for disease, relief from pain, and longer life. Who would argue if a stricken loved one was offered the $6 million promise: "We can make him better"? But the implications are staggering. Already, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is developing policy guidelines for dealing with part-human organisms. If a pig, rabbit, feline or hominid was 1% human, would it require special legal classification? What about if 40% or 70% human? At what point does the Bill of Rights apply? The potential for new forms of disease engendered by DNA experimentation and particularly as it involves the crossover between species is but one public health risk current science may be unable to address. More alarming may be the rapidly-growing philosophical/spiritual transhumanist movement aspiring to use human enhancement technologies to create a new form of the human species. "Singularity" - or the merging of man's biological thinking and existence with technology to the point that there is no distinction between human and machine - is the goal of this strand of the movement, which is expected to achieve a major breakthrough between now and 2019 because of the pace of technological advancement. Proponents of these efforts hold out the promise of virtual immortality if the entirety of human consciousness can be uploaded and spread throughout time and space. Historian Francis Fukuyama has warned of a "hell scenario" in which "we no longer struggle, aspire, love, feel pain, make difficult moral choices, have families, or do any of the things that we traditionally associate with being human." Yet there are huge incentives - military, scientific, and financial - for this work to continue, and therefore it will not stop, and as with all human technology it will increase in efficiency and sophistication. "Transhumanism" gives you a thorough overview of this phenomenon: How we got to where we are, who the major players are, as well as the philosophical underpinnings of the movement. It is not solely about science, but about the future of the human species.You can get the new DVD "Transhumanism" at an exclusive discount price
from the WND Superstore.
If the documentary has gotten your attention, check out the brand-new book "Pandemonium's Engine: Satan's Imminent and Final Assault on the Creation of God" Subtitled "How the End of the Church Age, the Rise of Transhumanism, and the Coming of the Ãœbermensch (Overman) Herald Satan's Imminent and Final Assault on the Creation of God, this collection of essays edited by Tom Horn is the most comprehensive treatment of the entire phenomenon of transhumanism available to date. Published in July 2011, "Pandemonium's Engine" ranges from analysis to polemic: from historical review and survey of contemporary state of the science, to in-depth discussion of the biblical and extra-biblical sources on mixing of the human genome with superhuman beings, to the wealth of references in popular culture, to categorical refutation based on traditional Judeo-Christian belief. If you want to get apprised on all aspects of transhumanism, the initial chapter by Tom Horn is the best overall resource available on the topic. Read this, and you will understand the issue. It's titled "Pandemonium and HER Children" - HER being the acronym for the Human Enhancement Revolution. Horn discusses the history and current technology, including patenting of human genes, human cloning in the 1990s, nanotechnology, "brain plasticity" - rewiring the mind, extensive defense-related research being conducted under DARPA, and much more. Perhaps the most ominous technological innovation is germline genetic engineering, which "has the power to truly reassemble the very nature of humanity into posthuman, altering an embryo's every cell and leading to inheritable modifications extending to all succeeding generations." You'll learn about official U.S. government events such as the May 2010 conference "Warring Futures: A Future Tense Event: How Biotech and Robotics are Transforming Today's Military - and How That May Change the Rest Of Us." The race to create the "Super Soldier" is unveiling technological achievements which will be "changing warfare as profoundly as did gunpowder." You'll learn about the prophetic voices of those who saw the transhuman revolution coming: Sun Microsystems founder Bill Joy wrote in 2000, "I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation states, on to a surprising and terrible empowerment." There are well-established churches within the movement, with "transevangelists" leading seminars with titles such as "Becoming Godlike," "The Technologies of Self-Perfection," and "When Humans Transcend Biology." For anyone versed in Christian eschatology, a true attention-getter will be what might be considered human-transforming "mark of the beast" technology: Current use of biochips and viruses serving as vectors to carry genetic information into human bodies.
Horn ties transhumanism into the notion of the 6,000-year-old manipulation of human DNA by fallen angels, referencing Genesis chapter 6. From the ancient Nephilim, Watchers and Titans, he traces Satan's effort to cut off the birth line of the Messiah: "To 'mingle" non-human seed with Homo Sapiens through altering human DNA while simultaneously returning Nephilim to earth seems to have been the inspiration of the spirit of Antichrist ever since God halted the practice during the Great Flood." Horn's essay - dizzying in its scope - consists in part of a paper submitted to the American Academy of Religion 2011 Call for Papers. It alone is ample reason to get a copy of "Pandemonium's Engine." But the book does not stop there. In succeeding chapters, you'll get an in-depth look at the contaminated bloodline issue from Nimrod onward, as "men will continue to seek connection with rebel spiritual powers to obtain godhood and independence from God, and will use both biological and genetic manipulation and chemical enhancement via sorvery to overcome the God-given barriers intended to prevent such perilous actions, which are likely to have eternal consequences." Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24 "as in the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be," referring possible to the time before the Flood, with mutant offspring spawned by the illicit union of fallen angels and human women. Mixing human and animal DNA is seen as possibly just the first step, an "Island of Doctor Moreau" scenario which, horrific as it may be, could be simply a distraction. "The mixing of human seed with animals is merely a stepping stone to something far more sinister that Satan has been planning for a very long time and, in fact, has already attempted several times. ... man mingling humself with animals is detestable, but not the dealbreaker. Transhumanist activity is only the stepping stone to an even grander deception." Fast-forwarding to modern times, you'll find out all about the road to Homo Evolutis - supposedly the next stage of the human species. Transhumanist thinker Richard Seed says: "We are going to become Gods, period." Covering biotech, military applications, genetics, VC investment, New Age philosophy, and even growing movements within the traditional religions, transhumanism is a growing force in our world and it will shape our future. "Pandemonium's Engine" can be considered your "Transhumanism 101 and 201" - introductory and mid-level courses on a topic about which we all should become informed, quickly.![]()
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Flie seasons coming
As a nurse for nearly 20 yrs I've been around and seen a thing or two. The so called "emergency pandemic" of 2i010 was false. A few in the U.S. got sick, but hospitals were not over flowing. Word out there is the "vaccine" is coming in a set of 3 and will be required. Now, you do what you feel is right for you and your family, but I myself will refuse and am encouraging all my family and loved ones to refuse. Reports written by developers have stated it wil not protect from the h1n1, but has high mercury levels which could cause serious illness in children and adults alike.
Mercury is used as a preservativie in vaccines today, although other componants are available. Mercury being a heavy metal binds to the myelin sheath of the neurons causing severe damage from neuritis, polyneuritis, guilla barre syndrom, ADHD, and autism.
Childhood mandatory vaccines have increased 100% since the 1970's when I was a child. It's no wonder 1/157 are becoming ill. From the moment they are born we bombard their little systems with the harmful metal, by giving the Hepatitis vaccine. Read, educate yourself. (My figure may be off. It seems to change quite frequently showing more and more children's fragile immune systems).
Exxon oil spill Yellowstone
The landscape, once filled with hills, wildflowers, green lush grass with Bison in the background is disrupted by steel machinery, loud equiptment and the foul stench of chemicals in the air . Oil and gas wells, once illegal upon public land until deregulations were implimented during the Bush Cheney administrations,cover the entire countryside.
A further bothersome fact, they are drilling in a seismically unstable region surrounding the "super" volcano, which is showing signs of irritation. Not forgetting the park serves as a wildlife refuge that protects endangered species like the American wolf and Bison, whose numbers are in decline.
The EPA has given a deadline set for early September, but Exxon has stated "no further employees are to be hired for the cleanup" and "the Sept. Date is not a firm timeline". Yet looking at the ecological impact this disaster will have upon life within the polluted region,considering our ever growing unemployment, would it not be better on the enviroment to get the oil up as quickly as possible by hiring some of the unemployed versus saving a few blades of grass, sand and corporate monies, which are oil soaked and doomed if this is not fixed? I'm sure there are thousands of hard working Americans who would jump at a job opportunity regardless if temporary or not.
BP already destroyed our Gulf, the sealife, the sealife to come, and precious families who no longer have a way to make a living. It will be years, if not decades before shrimp, oysters, and crab populations return if at all. Futhermore, many have become ill, possibly from emulsions that were supposed to lower the oil to the ocean floor,(not that this would help either) but instead created a barrier warming Gulf waters and preventing evaporation.
Exxon officials have stated (we) "want to preserve the fragile banks of the river". Wouldn't it have better to have thought of that before placing an oil pipeline under the Yellowstone river? Or at least taken steps to have monitered it more closely following the recent rains?
The longer the oil covers the waters the further it flows until mixing with other rivers and streams. Its harmful affects increase more and more, upon the lush river bottom lands, the fish which swim in it and killing the animals who drink it. And of course the poor birds who are rendered unable to coninue their southern migration.
With Yellowstone's winter season quickly approaching, arriving as early as the first of September, time is growing short. If the river begins to ice or the oil saturated land becomes snow covered, the already tedious task at hand, will only become more difficult, if not impossible.