On my blog i attempt to cover all the news, current events and information important to us all during these tumultuous times, on one site making it easier to stay informed during our busy lives. With all the war drums beating, crimes against humanity,political double talk and deception, it's near impossible to know what's real, what's an illusion and what's just plain lies. This blog covers daily news, biblical truth, prophecy coming to fruition before our very eyes.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thoughts to Ponder: ((Tags:Fwd: Russia - Syria War Preparations? Liber...
Thoughts to Ponder: Senate to vote on new expanded "home grown terrori...
Thoughts to Ponder: Shadow government and the destruction of America. ...
Thoughts to Ponder: Are we paying attention? ((Tags: end times, NWO, F...
((Tags:Fwd: Russia - Syria War Preparations? Liberman Censorship, Man Made Flu, Syria, USSR,DHS,DOD,FEMA,WWIII,FBI,CIA,NSA,INS,ATF,JCS,U.S.,GBR, GER,military advancement, Iran, middle east, biologic warfare, missles, terror, home grown terror, tyrany
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From: "The Intel Hub" <alex@theintelhub.com>
Date: Nov 25, 2011 4:50 PM
Subject: Russia - Syria War Preparations? Liberman Censorship, Man Made Flu
To: <billstaceytaylor0591@gmail.com>
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Intel Hub News Alerts
The Russian warships that arrived in Syrian territorial waters in recent days were reportedly carrying technical advisors who will assist the Syrian government in setting up an array of the super-advanced S-300 missiles.This is according to Syrian and Russian sources cited by the London-based Arabic Al Quds-Al Arabi which said that Moscow is seeing a Western attack on Syria as a "red line" which it will not tolerate in any way.
This comes as the United States is moving the USS George H. W. Bush aircraft carrier off the coast of Syria and the Arab League has reportedly drawn up a plan for a no-fly zone over Syria which would utilize American logistical support.
Senator Lieberman Urges Google to Increase Censorship of Anti-West Blogs U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman sent a letter (PDF) to Google this week urging them to censor anti-West, violent jihadist content on their Blogger platform.
The letter, formally from the Committee on Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs which Lieberman chairs, cited the blog of recent "lone wolf" terrorist patsy Jose Pimentel.
"Pimentel allegedly used the Internet to access instructions to make bombs and share his support for violent Islamic extremism," writes Lieberman. "Pimental's (sic) site is just one of the many examples of homegrown terrorists Google-hosted sites to propagate their violent ideology."
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