"AND MAN BEGGED FOR DEATH BUT COULD NOT DIE"... ANY POSSIBILITIES ALONG WITH NANOTECH THIS COULD CAUSE,"immortality" serum sold as cure for death during tribulation period?
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From: "Reality Health Check - Amanda Angelini" <customerservice@logicalhealthalternatives.com>
Date: Mar 16, 2013 6:45 AM
Subject: New video reveals The Lazarus Cure
To: <billstaceytaylor0591@gmail.com>
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Dear Reality Health Check Reader, Thank you for your continued support of Dr. Pescatore's Logical Health Alternatives. From time to time we'll send an email introducing a trusted advertiser to our loyal readers and valued customers. Please take a few moments to consider their message. Amanda Angelini, Executive Editor - Logical Health Alternatives
The Lazarus Cure How a Nobel Prize winning
discovery can help you live longer
and beat almost any disease.It’s nothing short of amazing. Thanks to a Nobel Prize winning discovery, you can now live longer, be healthier, and beat almost any disease. I call this discovery “the Lazarus Cure” because it can take aging cells and bring them back from the brink of death.
I’ll tell you all about the Lazarus Cure in just a moment, but first I need to explain why your body ages in the first place.
There are many symptoms of old age, but new research shows there is one main cause behind almost all of them. It’s called a telomere, and it determines the lifespan of every cell in your body.
Research shows the shorter your telomeres are, the more likely you are to suffer from cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, macular degeneration, and even skin aging. Dozens of studies link shortened telomeres to deadly diseases. For example…
- Shortened telomeres increase your risk of dying from breast, prostate, colorectal, bladder, neck, lung and kidney cancer.
- Shortened telomeres increase your risk of dying from infectious disease.
- Shortened telomeres increase your risk of heart attack.
- And shortened telomeres increase your risk of obesity and insulin resistance.
Until now scientists believed that there was no way to prevent your telomeres from shortening. They thought the aging process was irreversible.
Then two scientists discovered an “immortality enzyme” that can lengthen your telomeres.
And according to a review article, “In humans, this would be like restoring the health and vigor of a sickly 80-year-old to that of a young adult!”
So how can you lengthen your telomeres so you can live longer and beat nearly all the diseases of old age?
Find out by watching a special video presentation. This presentation will give you all the details about this amazing breakthrough.
If you delay in watching this, you might forget or the video might be taken down and you'll have missed out. But spend a few minutes watching this now and you'll be prepared to experience your own healing discovery!
View this special video presentation now...
Yours for better health,
Robert J. Rowen, MD
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