Saturday, November 5, 2011

Drugging America. ((Tags: fluride, fluridation of water, medicating,mink control, apathy, docile, drugging prisoners, water companies, unitedstates government, FDA, WHO, U.S.GOV, FEMA, DOD, DOH, DHS, PROZAC, BRITISHWATER TREATMENT, American water

Politics, religion, and mind control. ((Tags: mind control, repition, control of mass media, main stream media, corrupt politicians, illuminati, secret societies, NWO, FEMA, UN, DHS, DOD, CIA, Mk Ultra mind control program, project paperclip, aliens,

Truth of world bank systems beginnings. ((Tags; war, federal reserve, world bank, genocide, indebtedness, corruption, Bush family, Rothchilds, nazi's, big business, big banks, IMF, G20, OWS, CIA, america for sale, enslavement, poor))

"Spared no expense". (( Tags: robbing america, IMF, FDIC, WTO, NAFTA, 1%ers, UN, WHO, water for sale, taking of necessities, murder, genocide, famine, poverty, sickness, death, fear, hate, federal reserve, corrupt government, war, oppression, depress

Millitary use of force against U.S. citizens begab prior to 2009. ((Tags: conus, northcom, norad, u.s. military, domestic troops, u.n. troops in u.s., WMD, DOD, DHS, FEMA, FBI, CIA, NSA, SS, TSA, U.N., marshell law, WMD, terror attack, home grown ter

11/9/11 a series of strange events. ((Tags: 11/09/11, 11/11/11, illuminati, meteorite, tsuenami drill, tsuenami, earthquake, natural disaster, false flag, biological warfare, american government killing Americans, germ warfare, nuclear attack, allien

More on Gaddalfi's death.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Chemicals from oil spill showing in blood samples. ((Tags: benzenes, oil spill, gulf oil spill, deep horizens drill, oil wells, pollution, illness, devestation, enviromental catastrophy, health threats, rashes, auto immune diseases, genetic mutations

11/11/11 Is this a Revelation of what is coming?

Cold U.S. see a mega tsunami in the near future?

Interview with dave Mustaine of Megadeath part two.

Interview with Mustaine of Megadeath part one. ((Tags: NWO, UN, FED RESERVE, CIA, FBI, FEMA, DHS, NSA, SS, secret society, endgame, NWO, illuminati, JFK Assasanation, lies, deception, population control, Alex Jones, 11/11/11, false flags, terror atta

Illuminati cards, media and clues given prior to disasters: next in line could be 11/11/11. (( Tags: 11/11/11, NWO, FEMA, CIA UFO, NSA, SS, WTO, FCC, alien attack, illuminati card game, hints given by illuminati, disaster, aliens, death, destruction,

What is really going on: scenerios to think about and false flags to deviate our focus away from real agenda. What is the truth? ((Tags: ELE, NASA, FEMA, DHS, UN, WTO, UFO, CIA, FBI, fish, cooperations, corporations, globelist ageneda, elite, alien a

13 Days of sacrifice, EMERGENCY BROADCAST TEST, NWO AND 11/9/11: should we be concerned? ((Tags: EBT, EBS,FEMA, NWO, SS, FBI, FCC,CIA, DHS, WTO,UN, 11/9/11, JFK assasination, satanic rituals, President Obama, terror attack, illuminati, secret society

EBS, DHS Test 11/9/11 power grab to control info you receive. ((Tags:FCC, FEMA, DHS, EBS, EBT, U.S., UN, NWO, CIA, FBI, free speech, 1984,illuminati, controlling information, web bot, internet, censorship, mindcontrol, secret societies, taking of

UFO...last phase before NWO takes over. ((Tags: U.S. Government, conspiracy, alien invasion, world domination, secret societies, illuminati, bohemian grove club, 11/11/11, 11/09/11, consiracy theory, NWO, UFO, NASA, FEMA, CIA, SS, FBI, NSA, WTO, WHO,

Which enemy is real? Fight toward NWO. ((Tags: NWO, FEMA, FBI, SS, CIA, DHS, UFO NASA, NSA, ATF, alien invasion, government cover up, iron mountain, desstruction, death, enviromental destruction, murder, totalitarian government, social order, tyrany,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hmmm...another bank robs its customers. Will anyone get arrested? Probably npot. ((M.F. Globel, bailout, imbelzelment, the destruction of America, banking system, corrupt financial institutions, FDIC, CIA, FBI, Wall street, grand larsony, misappropri

Safeway has pregnant mom and dad arrested, child take to cps, and charged with shoplifring over $5 sandwich mother forgot to pay for.

How did we become such a heartless people?  This was a case of nothing more than forgetfulness.  Pregnant mother put thru hell by interrigation, arrested, and had child take away for eating a sandwich and then mistakingly not paying for it at the register.  She offered to take care of this dasterly oversight, but the book is being thrown at her.  Hell, why not put her on the chain gang, beat her with a whip and consider the death penalty!  Why should she get away with it?  But, $700,000,000 disappears from a bank that is failing, M.F. Globel, poor Americans were ripped off again, yet no one will spend a day in a jail cell.  I say Mom, get a lawyer and bring action against the safeway chain and if you shop there, go elsewhere people.  Until we stand firm against the petty rules and regulations, we will keep being mistreated, abused, and robbed!  It's our turn!!!  Tell corporate America, the same ones who are not creating jobs or helping our country by buying from it, we r done!  WE R DONE!!!