Saturday, October 8, 2011

Operation Gladio: seems U.S. will go to extremes to steal our rights. ((Tags: operation gladio, u.s. foreign policy, terrorist, war on terror, bill of rights, world leaders, europe, EU, africa, Israel, united states, Bush/Cheney, Obama, Blair, Italy,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mirage device.

Now model airplane enthusiasts are terrorist? Is there any end to this madness?

Elenin,Fukishima, radiation exposure, snow in August, hologram of Christ, strange sitings in the sky and earthquakes? WTH! ((Tags: comet elenin, novemeber 11,2011, October 16, 2011, Christ's return, rapture, end of days, strange sitings, ufos, new ze

Army battalion stationed within America: rapid response. ((Tags: u.s.military, army reserve, army battalion, troops within america, constitutional rights, rapid response team, get organized, u.n. troops. Martial law, fema, DOD, DHS, FEMA, TSA NIS>L

Go after the crooks America: collapse coming!

U.N. foriegn troops waiting for martial law: camp FEMA OPENSOON((Tags, u.n. troops, millitary movement in america, martial law, DHS,DOD, FEMA,U.N.NSA,CIA,FBI,protests, terror, terrorist, home grown terrorist,internment camps, concentration camps,

Bankers don't want coverage of occupy wall street: it's anembaressment :( ((Tags: occupy wall stre, occupy the federal reserve, wallstret, federal reserve, world banking system, democracy, unfair financialpolicy, the 1%er's, the majority, federal

American speaks out against feds! Stop stealing our future! ((TAGS: occupy the fed, occupy wall street, federal reserve, monetary system, OWS,OTFR, wall street, foriegn wars, inflation, bankruptcy, extortion, usery, unfair banking laws, american bank

Jp Morgan donated $5 mil to NYPD prior to mass arrest of protestors. ((Tags: occupy walstreet, JP Morgan, bribery,NYPD, 0ROTESTS, MASS ARRESTS,, brooklyn bridge, New York, Wall street, right to free speech, constitutional rights, right to assemble, p


November 5

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

OWS THIS WEEKEND 7, 8, 9 meet at Federal reserves to protest the oligarchy creaated by them. ((Tags: feral reserve, OWS, OWS TEXAS, OWS Dallas, texas, big money, corruption, political corruption, financial corruption, alex jones, american finance, am

OWS isn't going away: is this America's "Arab Spring"? ((Tags: wall street, occupy wall street, protests, protestors, police brutality, unlawful arrest, federal reserve, american bankers, big banks, american politics, crooked politicians, the ellite,

People are fed up Washington! Get your sh$t together. You still work for us! ((Tags: day of rage, occupy wall street, american finance, american politics, politicians, big bankers, national reserve, federal reserve, police brutality, free speech, rig

Day five occupy wall street: bankers & politicians out of touch with reality! ((Tags: occupy wallstreet, occupy wallstreet protests, protesters, wall street, corrupt politics, big bankers, big businessl the ellite, the 1%er's, the 99%er's,federal res

Interogation of prisoner 187 times: as insignificant as beer nut ((Tags: beer nuts, CIA, FBI, HLS, DOD, DHS,NSA, Prisoner of war, war crimes, war criminals, crimes against humanity, U.N. iraqi civillians, water boarding, prisoners, civil rights, huma

Iraqi "detainies" autopsy reports disturbing: if faint of heart do not read! (( Tags: iraq, iraq war, war onf terror, 9/11, detainees, prisoners of war,interigation, water boarding, torture,u.s. millitary, autopry reports, crimes against humanity, wa

Monday, October 3, 2011

Keep up the good work 'arch on wallstreet protestors! ((Tags: march on wall street, protests, new york, wall street, corperate banks, working poor, unemployed, corporate corruption, federal reserve, disgruntel americans, working class, ellitists, coo

Perry's aids and agenda reminders of Nazi German belif: lock them all up! ((TAGS; Rick Perry, Perry's campaign, gay rights, human rights, homosexuality, sodomy, conservitive christian , conservative right, seperation of church and state, the prayer l

Mississippi pushes to outlaw abortion.

Will the U.S. use niks on Lybia? ((Tags: Lybia, united nations, tyranny, nuclear war, nuclear warheads,

Some facts about Lybia.

U.S. freezing Lybians funds hurts over 25 sub-saharan countries.

Salmon farms dumping triple dose of toxic pesticides into ocean, threatening you and other sea life's health. ((Tags: farmed salmon, slice, wild salmon, extinction, sea life, pesticides, sea lice, united states seafood, seafood, crustations, lobster,

BP'S back in the Gulf

Can even the most caring be bought: komen says no link between breast cancer and bpa.

Has elenin's position and earth's reaction.

Monsanto bovine hormone in milk unsafe...reporters fired trying to tell the truth. The lies and deception of media in American news. ((Tags: monsanto, growth hormone, bovine growth hormone, milk, milk safety, food safety, FDA, big business owns and r

Draconid peak viewing times.

Draconid Meteor Shower Oct 8 could be awesome.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time travel: is it possible? ((Tags: wormhole, time travel, quantum physics, parallel universe, multi dimensional, albert einstein, qu

Hey let's elect this young lady President! Maybe something would change for the better! ((Tags: the future of planet earth, our children's future, pollution, disease, death, murder, genocide, industrial polution, adults behaving badly, WMD, insanity)

JFK speaking about secret societies: where is he when you need him? ((Tags: secret societies, illuminati, JD

Draconid meteor shower could be dangerous says NASA coming October 8. ((Tags: draconid meteor shower, NASA, international space station, meteorites, bible prophecy,astronomy, return of Christ, Yon Kippur, October meteor showers, meteor storm, October

Elenin review 2011...what is coming?

A look back at 2011: "Summer of Sorrow". ((Tags: "summer of sorrow", 2011, 2012, mother nature, natural disasters, mayan calender, predictions, end of the

Demand to know what you're eating! ((Tags: GMO, food labeling, organic food, fresh produce, healthy eating, pesticides, safe food, FDA, childhood nutrition, autoimmunity, diseases, immune deficiencies caused by GMO'S>>